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Habs in semi ripe state

I asked my wife to fetch me some habs at the grocery store and she comes home with one that are mostly green. Said only pack left. Any way to ripen them??

Put in a brown bag with a banana. The banana will give off some gasses that will help ripen the pods faster than just being left out on the counter to ripen.
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Put in a brown bag with a banana. The banana will give off some gasses that will help ripen the pods faster than just being left out on the counter to ripen.

Crap. I ain't got no bananas. :oops:
yep the banana trick works!
it still wont change the heat level of the chiles, only changes the color & maybe the flavor somewhat.
then it all depends on how close to ripeness the pods were before being picked, if way to early then the banana trick will not work & nothing will turn the pods to ripe color!!
chilehunter said:
yep the banana trick works!
it still wont change the heat level of the chiles, only changes the color & maybe the flavor somewhat.
then it all depends on how close to ripeness the pods were before being picked, if way to early then the banana trick will not work & nothing will turn the pods to ripe color!!

I know that they ship jalapenos and those long italian hot peppers green, but I didn't know they did this to habs. The last time I bought them - same store, they were all nice orange except one. This time almost every pepper is green or a combo of yellow/green or yellow-green-orange.

Will the bag trick work on green store bought jalapenos?
This is how they came. Sad, very sad.

the habs around Jersey are pitiful right about now. once in a while i see some at Wegman's and Whole Foods. if i see them, i usually buy about a pound or so.

but don't discount green habs. they're plenty hot and aren't bad tasting, just a bit on the green side of flavors.
fineexampl said:
the habs around Jersey are pitiful right about now. once in a while i see some at Wegman's and Whole Foods. if i see them, i usually buy about a pound or so.

but don't discount green habs. they're plenty hot and aren't bad tasting, just a bit on the green side of flavors.

the bottom of the container says they are from the Dominican Republic.
worlok - those habs are close to being fully ripe & the banana trick will work on them, you can also try placing the pods in a paper bag by themselves.

why I mentioned about the tricks to change the color of the pods wont change anything else.
the cap./heat is all its gonna be once picked, changing the color will not change the heat! as some say the cap. is at max even when unripe & color change/ripe only changes the flavor.

I dont know if changing a picked unripe pods color by tricks will change the flavor much ?

as always best let them fully ripen on the plant.

I've tried to ripen pods before using the banana trick, & yes it works, though only on those pods that were close to being ripe anyways, still had plenty of pods that never ripened from the trick. just depends on how far along the pod is for being ripe.
Will the bag trick work on green store bought jalapenos?

I highly doubt it!! they pick jalapenos way too early! (most of'em they sell in the stores)
you'd have a better chance of ripening serranos than jalapenos for store bought, though still very slim of actually having the pods ripen.
worlok said:
the bottom of the container says they are from the Dominican Republic.
Oof! I hate buying produce from other countries. I just don't trust it. Same for seafood too. All the peppers i buy are domestically grown, usually Florida this time of year. Not to say there's anything wrong with the peppers, just that i prefer to support US farmers. :)
also the seeds are worthless in a unripe pod even if you change the color by tricks, so dont waste your time saving those seeds!
worlok said:
Will the bag trick work on green store bought jalapenos?
Muahahaha one of the benefits of shopping at mexican grocery stores. I'm an absolute sucker for a corked, red jalapeno!


Oh, and green habs aren't necessarily a bad thing.....some of my favorite salsa is a roasted green habanero & tomatillo salsa. Absolutely fantastic. Mmm....charred green habaneros.....
Nice. You should definitely pick up some tomatillos and make a roasted green salsa. Looks like you got a nice selection of chiles to do it with.
I cut up 2 of the green habs and a few of the jalapenos and used them in my chicken curry. I also threw in about 10-15 of the dried byadagi chilis and of course I use the Shan brand curry seasoning (which is pretty hot all on it's own) and some extra turmeric. It was a pretty hot curry. :hell:
You make indian style curry huh?

Indian is good but my favorite is thai. I'm a sucker for thai food. I just picked up some chicken stock so i'll have to make some tomorrowor something.
Txclosetgrower said:
You make indian style curry huh?

Indian is good but my favorite is thai. I'm a sucker for thai food. I just picked up some chicken stock so i'll have to make some tomorrowor something.
I'm scared of Indian food, but please worlock, post up a recipe. I'm scared because it once landed me in the ER and i don't know what i was allergic to so i avoid all Indian food.

I'm with you TXCG, Thai is QUICKLY becoming a favorite of mine. It'll never top Italian though. Never. ;)
I get the Shan curry packets from an Indian place and throw my own veggies into it and the chicken. it's really easy to make. All curry is is a really hot and spicy stew.
