
things grow bigger in QLD!!

Speaking of QLD, my holiday to brisvegas has been put off temporarily, but i still do intend on making the trek sometime soon, probably over the hols.

I'm looking forward to that curry, only i do prefer Indian over thai...
Cool - I'll be away for some of the Hols up at Hervey Bay (you're welcome to visit there too if you dont mind driving an extra 3 hours north). PM me the dates you'll be here when you know....I'll polish the good cutlery (then hide it)

How about a Vindaloo, I should have a Bih Jolokia to drop in it by then. Or maybe we'll just BBQ some burgers with a few fresh Habs :P
I love a vindaloo!!!

I have a massive mortar + pestle, and enjoy bashing up my own mix often!!!

I'll be sure to pm you when i know the dates of my arrival. you can let the rest of brisbane know too, as i'll be bringing red paint!

PS: check your pms
We should get together with billyboy & stillmanz when you come up....we'll all hit an Indian restaurant and see if we can scare the cook :hell:

I think I know just the place :think:
my little seedlings have been hit by slugs, already! I only planted out on Sunday. I used a sugar cane mulch. on top of that I've had a few die on me! I can't believe it. I think I should have hardened them off a bit longer...
chilliman64 said:
my little seedlings have been hit by slugs, already! I only planted out on Sunday. I used a sugar cane mulch. on top of that I've had a few die on me! I can't believe it. I think I should have hardened them off a bit longer...


I share your pain chilliman!!!
chilliman64 said:
my little seedlings have been hit by slugs, already! I only planted out on Sunday. I used a sugar cane mulch. on top of that I've had a few die on me! I can't believe it. I think I should have hardened them off a bit longer...

Oh no! what is it, the heat?
I spent the afternoon staking out with star pickets & fencing wire my outside Nagas after the heavy downpour we got here today had them at parallel with ground level :shocked: I keep repeating a chant when those clouds started building "Its not going to hail, Its not going to hail" We got 50mm of rain in two hours.
yeah it absolutely poured here.

its a catch 33 realy...

put pots outside and get them smashed by hail, put them under cover and they dont get as much light...
bentalphanerd said:
Oh no! what is it, the heat?

I don't know. I'm very depressed :( I went straight down the shops and bought some slug/snail baits and manually ejected any of the little legless critters I could find.

it may have been the heat. we've just had huge rains also in the last few days. it looks like I've lost about 10 seedlings out of the 30-odd I planted. I've still got about 15 in the lightbox - 7pots, scorpions and some others that I can't identify thanks to 'the tragedy' incident.

all is not lost, yet. if I don't get any pods I may have to freeload off some of my very generous buddies for freshies *looks at fellow Aussie THPers with a pathetic puppy-dog expression hoping for positive responses...* hehehehe
After my clean up there were a few broken branches, I put them in a bucket of water with a bit of supaT & now have 12 cuttings of pure Nagas to care for over the next couple of weeks till they find their legs.
:resists the urge to run away:

mate thats terrible - you're having a real IGG year. I'll send sympathy pods as they appear.

It has been an evil heat through the day...leaves have been burning off 2 & 3 month old plants here in a matter of hours. And they've been outdoors their whole life.
Shade house are the bomb Mine are allhome made (read pretty dodgey) but stay up rain hail and shine and over summer inn Brisbane the plants love the filtered light.
wordwiz - sorry dont have a picture of the setup, its taken down after the season so the garden can be tilled, which is about 30' x 80' (never measured it so just a guess) but you can use anything to stake into the ground to hold the wire mesh vertical, I used the conduit because it was laying around & simple to pound far enough down.

I think the concrete mesh is great for garden purposes if you want something to grow on vertically & if you like cages I'd think you could make them cheaper using this vs buying premade cages, plus you can make them to what ever size you want & allow them to open up.

also rigged up hoses with Y's with quick disconnects on top of the fence that fences in the garden so I can walk to any spot with a smaller hose (about ? 12' ?) & water vs trying to pull a really long hose around in the garden & worry about constently breaking plants while pulling on the hose. one main hose on top then just connect at any location with the smaller hose.

never thought about using velcro, might look into it for the chiles since tieing them to stakes kinda sucks.
Dang...sorry to hear about your bad luck with the hail. Its just a matter of time before I get hit again. Haven't had hail at my house in Ft Worth in probably 3 years (other places in Ft Worth have had some good sized hail).

Seems to me you Aussies have a much better climate to grow peppers in than I do. We had dang near record rainfall this year ( Probably 50" so far this year ) and my peppers didn't fare as well as I thought they should have. The volume or rain plus the mild summer we had (didn't break 38C more than a couple of times this year).