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hairy stems and leaves on BHUTS..

i have one BHUT plant that is a little different from the other few that i have...

it has hair on the stems and base of the leaves... anyone know anything about this ?

my others dont...
Sounds like a c. pubescens sneaked in, but that means that the seed would've been black and I guess you would've noticed that!!! Funny....

shit, i wish i could put up a photo but i dont have a camera here at the moment...

the seeds are like all the other plants when i have opened the pods up...

ill see what i can do about a pic...

its a hairy bhut ! all the pods look the same as the others..really nasty and big...
Sounds very interesting. I am looking forward to seeing my Goatweed growing again this season. How that's a hairy plant...

Oops sorrry *Thread stealer*

Your plant may still be a bhut with just a small throw back to something else..

Need pic's when you get the camera back. hehe....