Half circles eaten in my leaves?


Over the past few days i have noticed my leaves have bites in them, not holes but like a half circle mark chewed through IN the leaf. IAnyone know what could cause this?
Picture would be helpful. Could it be rain or hail damage?
Have you looked under the leaves and checked at night for
keep an eye out for a white/gray beetle shaped like a boll weevil they like to munch on pepper leaves down here, then there is one from Africa that just arrived a few years ago(Miami/Dade County) looks very similar but destroys everything.
Sounds like a leaf cutter bee.

Half moons to full circles in about 5 seconds or less.

Seen them working their evil on my hab plants when I was back in the big dry ditch of Las Vegas.
I have had this happen to me on a couple plants--a 7 Pot & Scotch Bonnet here in Iowa. Didn't have a clue but was thinking a grasshopper due to size of 1/2 moon on leaves. There were only like 2-3 leaves in all, I pulled those leaves off. Then I sprayed a small amount of Sevin on plants and then every other day mist them with dishsoap & water for a week. Seems to have worked for whatever they were.
Sorry about the wait. Here are the pics.


Interesting, I had some half circles cut out of my bell pepper leaves, but it a different way. Until I saw the pics I was sure it was going to be the same symptom... I guess not. I will have to post some pictures of mine later.
You are in FL as well so you may have very different bugs from us here on the West Coast.
I have never seen damage like that except from bud worm but they are problematic here in outdoor canna grows as well as geraniums.
"look up" I bet something fell on it! I've had slash pine needles punch holes in mine many times, those needles fly a long way in the wind.
Got the same damage as he does and no tree's in the vacinity. EXACT same damage with cresent moon shapes on the leaves. East coast, west coast, all the same damage. Cannot find the culprit either. Made me Sevin Dust my garden to hell and back because of it. Haven't seen any cutter bee's around either.
Hmmm.... Bringing up an old thread. I have the same thing going on my Carolina reapper. A few perfectly cut half moons but no missing pieces like the cutter bees leave
Every time I've seen it on a plant there have been a couple hiding under leaves.  Usually it's curved like that but sometimes it's a straight line.  I don't think it really hurts anything.