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Happy Fat Tuesday

rainbowberry said:
I dunno but this is why here

"The festival is widely associated with the eating of foods such as pancakes, and often known simply as Pancake Day, originally because these used up ingredients such as fat and eggs, the consumption of which was traditionally restricted during Lent"

Ok, that makes some sense.
Sickmont said:
Yesterday was National Pancake day

Well, I just went and picked up the newspaper in the breakroom and there's a big picture of a girl wearing a tie-dyed shirt and a motley hat under the headline "Pancakes, ash mark season". It seems several churches put on pancake suppers, which is probably why I didn't notice.
Pam said:
Well, I just went and picked up the newspaper in the breakroom and there's a big picture of a girl wearing a tie-dyed shirt and a motley hat under the headline "Pancakes, ash mark season". It seems several churches put on pancake suppers, which is probably why I didn't notice.

The pancake thing is big with Christians. When I was a young lad my father would drag me and mom to pancake breakfests all the time (especially during Lent).
Pam said:
Well, I just went and picked up the newspaper in the breakroom and there's a big picture of a girl wearing a tie-dyed shirt and a motley hat under the headline "Pancakes, ash mark season". It seems several churches put on pancake suppers, which is probably why I didn't notice.

imaguitargod said:
The pancake thing is big with Christians. When I was a young lad my father would drag me and mom to pancake breakfests all the time (especially during Lent).

damn....now you guys got me thinking about a stack or two. I guess i'm going to IHOP for lunch.
imaguitargod said:
You're right. It is.

You know on TV and the movies, the gutsy and nonconformist detective sticks his finger into the unidentified powder in the baggie and touches it to his tongue? Well, I was just thinking about one of them finding one of you guys' hot pepper powder stash.
Pam said:
You know on TV and the movies, the gutsy and nonconformist detective sticks his finger into the unidentified powder in the baggie and touches it to his tongue? Well, I was just thinking about one of them finding one of you guys' hot pepper powder stash.

I have it in a container on my key chain that looks semi conspicous. So if I ever get pulled over, it should be fun if the cop wants to see what I have in it :hell:
Pam said:
You know on TV and the movies, the gutsy and nonconformist detective sticks his finger into the unidentified powder in the baggie and touches it to his tongue? Well, I was just thinking about one of them finding one of you guys' hot pepper powder stash.

I love that idea! Or the K-9 sticking it's nose into it... ...it wouldn't be able to tell cocaine from chicken shit for about a week...
imaguitargod said:
"Ahhh Tuesday... Tuesday is fat. Sorry to be so blunt, but that's Tuesday. Fat, burstingly, burgundy so. But oh so soft, so fatly soft, so softly fat that you begin to wonder, really, how does Tuesday, soft and as fat as it is, manage to keep up? Where does it hide it's huffing and puffing, and the deep deep drowsieness after the tall dinner. Come come big Tuesday, what do you weigh? How much have you gained since the burgining? Beutiful burgining burgundy big big burgundy. Fat fat fat as a Tuesday cat."

~Adaptided from Ken Nordine's Colors

Puff puff pass IGG...

AlabamaJack said:
just finished 6 pounds of Crawfish and 4 Margaritas...if you have never had a margarita with crawfish....it just fits...

Mardi Gras celebration has started at AJs place.

Is there anything that four margaritas doesn't go with?

rainbowberry said:
Did no-one eat pancakes as it was Shrove Tuesday (pancake day)? How come you call it something different?

Where I live they make these nasty plain fried donut-like things called fausnauts for Fat Tuesday.
I want to go to New Orleans. I'd love to visit the french Quarter, amazing food and interesting people and what a party, I wonder how it is now though after the whole Katrina thing I watched a special on TV about last years and there is sytill such a big part of the city that is ruins.