Hard pour

The Hot Pepper said:
I like to slightly hard pour my IPAs as it opens up more floral and fruity notes.
Sorry beer snobs. :P
Bah!  Nothing you could do would piss off even the snobbiest of snobs over beer fouls as an American.  Americans have already perpetrated the longest running and most insulting crime against beer in its glorious history, and I'm not talking about prohibition.  I'm talking about rice based golden lager pisswater.  Shotgunning IPAs from a can looks like high society behavior compared to what has been going on for the last 100 years in this country.  Worse yet, now that Americans have discovered beer can actually have flavor, they've gone full bore to the other end of the spectrum.  Even American 'saison' and 'hefes' are 90-IBU.  Sam Adams can't brew a drop without 2,000 tons of hops in it.  Alas!  (Says the guy whose last crafted batch was a completely ridiculous black IPA.)
Okay, there is one hard foul I can think of.  If you upend an unfiltered bottle, I am not responsible for my behavior for the next several minutes.  Pretty sure "slap the shit out of them" was the appropriate answer to that one on the Certified Cicerone exam. :lol: