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Harold's St Bart's

Has or is anyone growing Harold's St Bart's ? I grew them last year and loved them. I got those from CCN. So I ordered more this year. This year they don't look quite the same and that may just be me. Do yours look the same?

P. Dreadie

I can't find any of my pics but your pic looks like what I remember growing in the past. Does it taste like you remember?
Mine kinda look the same, I thought maybe mine got crossed last year because my were more yellow then orange and longer.
the second harvest of pods that are on the plant now look more like yours, the first group were all enlongated for some reason

I have them growing as well. No pictures, but they look like your as well. I got mine from Semillas.de

Thanks guys. They taste good, can't really remember last year's flavor. I was checking because CCN has sent me a bunch of mislabeled plants this year.

P. Dreadie
I wanted to try them because they say that the pods have a smokey flavor and some good heat. I have one plant growing right now but the weather has been pretty craptastic this year over here in the PNW. Still waiting to see if I get any pods out of it before the weather changes.