yield-harvest harvest 02.09.2009

here is what i harvested today. i don't have any idea what to do with them. some i'll just put on the grill i guess.


Very nice selection. That's the problem with big harvests - "Now what do I do?" You'll think of something.
Have you tried the Jimmy Nardello yet? I've got one turning red and the wait is killing me.

Have some fun with them. Powders, sauces, concentrates--oh my!:)
i will try them soon. maaybe i try to make a sauce or some bread spread with the hot ones. or just dry them.
they are all annuums as i know. those you are talking about i expected to be red peter but they looks.. weird. even golden cayennes are blunt shaped while they suppoused to be more pointy. other ??? are much alike shipkas - little bigger and i expected them to be pepperonicini :)
Nice haul serrano, with a handle like that I'm surprised you didn't have any.

I agree, second from top right looks like Bulgarian Carrot.
Very nice harvest mate. and yeah the Golden Cayenne's should be a bit more pointy at the end but they still good a lot like my golden cayenne's.

The proof will be in the taste and heat level??
well i made pickles with sweet/mild peppers and salsa-sauce thing with the hotter and also dried some. i saved plenty of seeds so if someone is intereseted in those varieties let me know.