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harvesting Harvest 10/10/08 - CMPMAN1974

The weather didn't stop me...I'm still picking. :)


Beautiful peppers always Chris. The pumpkin shape on your trinidad peppers is perfect for this time of year. What are the big yellow peppers on the bottom left plate, Fatalli and Yellow Habanero? Nice pepper garden you had this year for sure.
very nice Chris...I am going to harvest pics when I get home this evening...and your harvest looks like it is a lot better than mine is going to be...
Luckydog, you've got an eye for those peppers! I also have some Grenada Seasoning and Morouga Yelllows there too. The rest are super hots and oh a plate of Scotch Bonnet TFMs too for good measure. One plant produced a boatload of pods.

I'm thankful for this Indian Summer weather. I've now picked 75-80% of all pods on my plants. I'm happy! With the weather remaining nice, maybe I'll get more even!


Looks like a combo of Yellow Fatelli, Lemon drops and yellow hab