show-off Harvest

My first "Harvest" of Onion, Garlic and Potato. Noticed allot of bugs around the Onions.





Pickin peppers today, smoking peppers tomorrow.
This afternoons quick picks. From the top, 2 Maverick Hybrid cactaloupe, Hales Best cantaloupe, 2 Marconi peppers, 1 Doux d Espagne pepper, 3 Hybrid Colossal peppers, box of San Felipe peppers, yellow bell, 3 Palmyra, on the shorter table, Cherry Bombs, 2 boxes ripe Jalapenos, Goats Horns, Jimmy Nardelos, Sahauro Big Chillis, ripe Big Jims, more ripe Big Jims, Cajun Belles, Malawe Picante, Albanian Red Hots, Ms Junies, Cayenne Joes Long.
I picked a few today, some for seeds and some for pepper jelly and hot chow chow.
I don't know what the top left is, I can't remember what I planted and didn't write it down either. Top right came from Moruga scorpion seeds, they should be red so it's a mystery too. The others are Tabasco and Jalapeno.

Ghost peppers from 2 containers and they're loading up again with flowers.

7 Pot Primo's.

Some red Shesheeto's for seeds.
I picked a couple Antep Aci Dolmas that had minor blemishes. The best one i gave to pops. I might have forgotten to tell him they get a little spicy :D
He added it to a pork stirfry...."That damn thing was hot!" he said :P I called him a pussy and laughed. :hell: Its only about as hot as a jalapeno!!!!