show-off Harvest

Guatemalan Insanity Pepper said:
yes some of these will be turned into jams :D
  We had a hard freeze early this year, now were going to get a week or more of rain  :mope: i'm not dealing with the rain and the bedsheets everyday for a couple more weeks of possible ripening. rather get a headstart on overwintering them.
I got plenty of peppers. the freezer is already full, and dehydrator has been running nonstop.
A newb question, I know but,
Do you cut them back for over wintering?

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jodytek said:
A newb question, I know but,
Do you cut them back for over wintering?

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for multiple reasons;
Helps with bringing in less bugs, most notably aphids 
Less plant to wash down with Azamax <--- that stuffs not cheap, but it works. 
Keeps them manageable size, which is important when your overwintering 25+
smaller plants means more can fit under your lights
{currently 50 plants :crazy:  that number has to come down because i'm not getting another 1000w HPS :!: }
You can train your plants canopy as it grows back
some people prefer bare trunks with a bigger top {Lollipoped} 
some prefer to top their plants and create a shorter wider plant.
while others just let it grow and do its own thing only cutting branches that overlap 
there are threads here specifically on overwintering
here is one of them;
hope i helped answer some questions
This isn't huge, but here's a little harvest from my 2 Black Naga x Peri-Peri F2 plants. Very different. But they both grow like Frutescens.
Nice peppers Ya'll.
I picked a few peppers

I'm not sure what these are, they're not hot.

Green Cowhorn peppers

Cayenne and some corked Jalapenos

Green Cayenne



One of the Ghost plants still throwing flowers, I picked this plant of all colored peppers a week ago and it's loading up again. It just won't quit producing.

Check out the stalk on this thing.
saiias said:
How do they taste? And hot?   :surprised:
I would say they're more like the Peri-Peri in both aspects. The brown is a bit deeper, richer. I don't taste any chinense in them, myself. The heat is not as prickly as a Peri...they're both smoother and last a tad longer. But it's a comfortable burn. The big seeds are a problem, though. They're a lot bigger than Peri, but a little smaller than a standard chinense...and each pod is full. Another unfortunate attribute is the fact that they both get soft when they ripen...fall right off the stem. I have an isolated pod of the brown as that was the only one I was going to keep. But I'm getting a lot of positive feedback on the look of the red. So I may try OP seeds of the red next year.

Thank you for inquiring!
Here's my (comparatively) meager harvest from today. Been picking this many about every other day for past couple of weeks. Once the inferno that was Texas Summer 2018 finally abated, things took off.
The super hot stuff (ghosts, 7-pot, and habs) only just started setting pods. Hopefully some will ripen up before first frost hits.


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Rajun Gardener said:
Nice harvest!
I hear you about the heat, we're still having heat index's above 100F. It should start cooling off a little and the peppers should pick up some before the first frost.
I finally picked a few Fatalii's this morning.
Bhuter, Monday should be the day.
Beautiful! Great looking pods! My mouth is literally watering right now. Even though they're uncomfortably hot, they're so delicious. Nice work and thank you!!!
I got such a late start, that my superhots are just now starting to really kick it. This was a surprise for me, and I have to say, I'm not entirely happy with it. Supposed to be red Caribbean habaneros. These gigantic freaks are almost twice the size, not red, and have tiny seeds. Not sure what I'm dealing with. I obviously got a cross, because 2 of 5 plans so far are dropping orange pods.

solid7 said:
I got such a late start, that my superhots are just now starting to really kick it. This was a surprise for me, and I have to say, I'm not entirely happy with it. Supposed to be red Caribbean habaneros. These gigantic freaks are almost twice the size, not red, and have tiny seeds. Not sure what I'm dealing with. I obviously got a cross, because 2 of 5 plans so far are dropping orange pods.

Those look normal, you just have really small hands.

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Muckyai said:
Those look normal, you just have really small hands.
Well next time, don't get so upset when I ask you to be the hand model... Just because you don't use the finger holes when you go bowling, doesn't mean your hands are monstrous. ;)
solid7 said:
I got such a late start, that my superhots are just now starting to really kick it. This was a surprise for me, and I have to say, I'm not entirely happy with it. Supposed to be red Caribbean habaneros. These gigantic freaks are almost twice the size, not red, and have tiny seeds. Not sure what I'm dealing with. I obviously got a cross, because 2 of 5 plans so far are dropping orange pods.

You got some nice hands errr pods there [emoji51]

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Just when I thought the pepper growing season was winding down here in zone 7a, my habanero and scotch bonnet plants ripened all of these in the past 4 days:

There's still a few green/ripening peppers left on both plants.... several on the habanero and about 4 on the scotch bonnet.  And even moreso... the habanero is still producing blooms!  :shocked:  :shocked:   Not sure if yall are used to this, but since this is my first year growing them ,I'm quite excited!
Went and pulled everything ripe or close off of my few plants. This is a few inches deep so not everything is visible

Unknown Black Prince cross
Bonnie habs
Red Bonnie NOT-golden ghost (I got red pods from two plants gotten at two different stores)
Hot Lemon (I think they're the same as lemondrops?)
NOT-reapers getting closer to a reaper pheno
One "Fooled You" heatless jalapeño, my first ripe-is one
"gumball peppers" - got a plant at a farmer's market in Florida with that name and the small orange pods are from that
NOT aji dulce (the brown/maroon pods)
