show-off Harvest

I had one in a pot get wind damage and blown over. Now it wilts every single sunny day but looks fine first thing in the morning.
I had to stake the other one in a pot. The pods get heavier than the plant can support. Ive got 2 more in ground. Its my understanding they dont produce for very long. You will get only a couple waves of pods and they are nutrient hogs too.

I was only going to plant 2. Turns out the seeds i labeled as antep aci dolma were actually tekne dolmasi. Im still rather pissed at myself for it. The anteps are killer too but got some heat. Both are pretty sweet and the flesh is a bit thinner than a regular red bell. Less water in them so for stuffing/cooking they are far superior.
This week in harvesting.
Back to late afternoon thunderstorms.  Just enough rain to relieve the wilt from mid-90's.  Weeds are propping up, must get a pullin'.  White flies come with the weeds.  Must get a sprayin'.
Not peppers, but harvest just the same.

First picking of pole beans, Northeaster, from Johnny's Seeds, my all-time favorite heirloom pole bean.


Many, MANY more to come. They've topped a 6' trellis, reached 2' more to the 8' top of the enclosure and have begun creeping across an 8' wire to the other side.

ShowMeDaSauce said:
Fixins for the first hot sauce of the season. Mostly Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpions and an Aji Arnaucho or two. Plus a little onion and garlic. These JPGS pods are pretty freaking zippy too. Just gunna make a single bottle test.
Are your Peach ghost Scorpions pods growing in uniform size and shape? One of my Peach ghost scorpions has about 20 pods on it and every pod looks completely different to the next one.
Nice Haul everyone!  Decided to go with the smoker Only top grill shown, bottom one full of red habaneros.  I may sauce the scotch bonnets, and powder the rest.  Had to take a break to fish a critter out of the neighbor's pool.  Pretty, isn't she?


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Swinglish said:
Are your Peach ghost Scorpions pods growing in uniform size and shape? One of my Peach ghost scorpions has about 20 pods on it and every pod looks completely different to the next one.
Every pod on the first plant to produce looked just like those on the plate. The pods on my 2nd plant look a little different than the 1st plant. Its pretty common for early pods to be a little off. Mine were scorchers though.
The pheno is much better on the 2nd plant.


CMJ said:
Came home from vacation to find a few dead plants. Apparently somebody forgot to water them while I was gone.
Don't give up so easily! The same thing happened to me. After cutting the stems back a bit, and moving the pots into the shade for a week or so, they started flushing out new growth, made a complete recovery and went on to produce well that year.