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hot-sauce Has anyone heard of this hot sauce?

One of my favorite, all purpose hot sauce is Malinda's Habanaro Hot sauce (I probably miss spelled it). Now, I know from reading the other posts here that most prefer the knock you down hot sauces, but this one I think has a really well rounded taste to it with the bite of habanaros. It goes great mixed in burgers and then grilled.

You mean melindas? It's quite common I think and 100% natural. There's the Habanero Extra Hot which in the reviews I've read most people seem to rate it as medium heat. Then there's the Habanero XXXtra Hot which is reviewd as been slightly hotter but not really hot. I'm reading customer reviews off a sauce site BTW. Someone told me that they found it a bit too vinegary. I will have to try it myself sometime.
LooooooooVe the stuff before it was in this country my parents were bringing back large bottles of it stuff back to me from Belize
I really like their Fire Roasted Habanero sauce. Not too much heat, but incredible flavor and cheap too!
If I remember right, they have a hot garlic sauce that is also out of this world. I really don't remember ever having one of their sauces that i didn't like. However, none of them are too hot though, I think that they make their sauce for the "average Joe" which probably excludes all of us here. HEHEHEHE
mudatvs - dont fool yourself, melindas hot sauce is made for chileheads, maybe they're not hot enough for somone that eats extracts often. but they still have a bite & a chilehead is still a chilehead, some just eat more insanely hotter sauces.
I didnt like the taste of it at all, seemed very something I couldnt put my finger on. The heat wasnt there for me either, I could literally drink it straight from the bottle. To me thats not quite hot enough.
necrocannibal - again it wasnt that hot to YOU because you seek out extract sauces & eat them.
so would you consider your opinion about how hot their sauce is, a fair one ? I dont think so.
when you eat alot of extract sauces so of course they wont be hot to you when you're used to eating 1,000,000 SHU level hot sauces.

hot canuk - not all melindas sauces are yellow! dont know where you get that idea from. & what does the color of yellow have to do with flavor ? theres alot of yellow things that taste great.
I didn't intend on creating a debate :P But, I agree with Chilihunter, Their sauces are GREAT! I was just commenting that the Hot Garlic sauce wasn't very hot along with a couple other of their sauces (Sorry for any confusion). In fact I really REALLY like most all of their sauces, including the steak sauces. The Hab sauce (which is red) does have a good bite to it but not like an extract. No where close to an extract. Again, I think that they make a really good everyday, general purpose sauce that is great on everything. :lol:
you know I've given some thought about when people say a hot sauce is not that hot.

well I've heard plenty from people on this forum, say they would never fool a person about eating a really hot chile or deceive them about how hot the chile is. or plain ol' trick them.
however you want to word it, still the same.

but yet people have no problem saying a hot sauce is not hot, again to them thats basing the hotness on extract sauces. even though the sauce is hot for some other people.
I consider this example the same as deceiving another person about the hotness of a sauce, just like some of you said you'd never deceive a person about the hotness of a chile.

example would be wordwiz, he likes chiles just not really hot ones, & say if he sees people saying a certain hot sauce is not hot (but its being compared & judged against extract sauce) he may think, ok I'll go & get that hot sauce & I'll like it but only to findout its way to hot for him. & then hes mad.

I'd think if you're saying a hot sauce is not hot & you consume extract sauces, you'd at least make note you're kinda comparing that to a extract sauce.
just like if your friend likes jalapenos for heat but nothing hotter, & then you say here eat these caribbean red habs they're not that hot (because you eat nagas/bhuts)
chilehunter said:
hot canuk - not all melindas sauces are yellow! dont know where you get that idea from. & what does the color of yellow have to do with flavor ? theres alot of yellow things that taste great.

yup - I stand corrected. Don't know why, but I always associate Melinda's with a yellow sauce...which I don't like...I guess it was the only one I've seen and tried...
Necrocannibal said:
I didnt like the taste of it at all, seemed very something I couldnt put my finger on. The heat wasnt there for me either, I could literally drink it straight from the bottle. To me thats not quite hot enough.

Hmmm...ironic that "necrocannibal"..aka...eater of human dead...doesn't like the taste of a certain hot sauce. Now THAT'S funny!!

Cheers, TB.
Thats why I said "to me it wasnt hot enough". Im sorry but whe nI eat a sauce that says its a HOT sauce and it even goes through the trouble of putting XXX HOT on the bottle Id like it to atleast have SOME heat. Its not even hot.

And Necrocannibal is a a Zombie, hence Necro then Cannibal. A "dead" "cannibal". No need for the "necro" in there if it wasnt.
Hah! I know a little something about the whole necro/dead 'thang. I was once married for 10 years!!

I reckon that how hot a sauce or a pepper is will remain rather subjective as we all percieve different levels of heat. I could never eat the heat levels that say IGG or DD enjoy.

Cheers, TB.
texas blues said:
Hah! I know a little something about the whole necro/dead 'thang. I was once married for 10 years!!

I reckon that how hot a sauce or a pepper is will remain rather subjective as we all percieve different levels of heat. I could never eat the heat levels that say IGG or DD enjoy.

Cheers, TB.

Yeah thats whats bad about trying to tell someone else how hot something is. I can eat stuff that others wont even pick up the bottle in fear of getting on their hands. Other people can only handle medium heat stuff while others can eat stuff 5 times hotter than me. Its all subjective, just like taste.
LooooooooVe the stuff before it was in this country my parents were bringing back large bottles of it stuff back to me from Belize

You mentioned Belize, have you tried Marie Sharp's Belizean Heat? I got into it and it is a real nice sauce with a fair amount of heat.
No I havent tried that Eremite... At that time it was just the hab sauce. Starting back at least 10yrs or so ago. Before it was in U.S. I'll have to put it on my list