Have you started growing for 2015?

I forget what strain this is, one of the scorpion types.  Maybe brain strain.  It is typical for my first wave of plants for 2015.  Curious to know if other folk are starting this early and if so, what zone you are in.  We are in Kentucky in zone 6A.

Here is a great tool if you do not know your zone.  It does it by zipcode.


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I'm in NE OH - zone 6a.  I'm still pondering my final grow list.  I expect to start sowing in mid-Jan.
I've been struggling to keep myself from planting until sometime in January or February. Mid January is about as long as I'm likely to be able to wait.
Last year I started plating a few at a time around the end of October. They all did well, but I didn't see any real advantage to the ones planted before January. They just got too big for the light and space I have for them. More light and space and I would have seen a big difference I'm sure. Late January seems to be the best time for me.
I live in eastern Ma., zone 6a too I believe.
I'm putting plants outside now. LOL
Started late Oct.
Yup,I live in S. Ca.
Been cold here lately.
High 40's at night,VERY windy with some rain,High 60's to 70's daytime temps.
Wind REALLY sucks.
Weather is really out of the ordinary this winter,so far.
Cooler weather is usually Feb. to March here.
Buds and pods on some plants.
Mostly C.Frutescens but a few C. Annuums and a couple C.Chinense.
More Frutescens going out with Baccatums to follow.
I've started from seeds this year for the first time.  I figured it's early since I'm in zone 5/6 but I'm treating these as practice and I have plenty of time to sow another set if they fail.  Can't move them out til May unfortunately since we tend to have frost through April here.
I have a couple of experiments going on here for next years grow.  But, as of now,  I do believe that I will start to germinate next years seeds next weekend.  I am a second year grower and we had a bad start this year, and none of my super hot varieties were ready until late September this year, so I would like an earlier start.  As well, I will be putting all peppers in my regular garden this year, so I do expect a lot of loss due to overwatering from mother nature.  But I do have my raised bed as well for some.
Middle of summer here - just started some Cayenne and some Willy Peppers. Doing some Jalapeno next week + some habanero's once my pods ripen.

Waiting for some Carolina Reaper seeds too!
ajdrew said:
So does anyone else want to kill Smokemaster and his nice climate? Just goofing.  I can not imagine life without winter.
Ah , Grasshopper,
You don't see what is very clear for others to see...
I have easily given well over 200 plants away since the post above.
Most ended up budding by the time they were picked up.
The wise man bookmarks this post so they can ask for seeds in the future....if they don't live in a place that they can come pick up plants from me. 
I'm in a 6b  on 36° at about 1800' elevation with only a pair of Manzanos started 5 weeks ago. Against my better judgement I may sneak a few seeds in the ground next month, but they will need to be re-potted by early March, still 60 days before plant-out and would likely be pruning candidates.
Smokemaster, not sure what is going on with you.  You are surly killing me with envy but also kind of sad that you might be having trouble, moving or something, and giving up your love.  You OK?
I'm in 5a and still at least a month out before I start much of anything.  Peppers, tomatoes, eggplant go first - probably end of Jan/first week of Feb.  Plant out in mid to late May. 
Hi all soaked my 7 pot katie, s in mild warm tea yesterday and today into warmed compost and into heated propagator will see if this is to early, (if you don't try you will never Find out).