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Having germanating 'issues'

I'll just throw this out there for future reference... I haven't had the best of luck using a germination trey to start seeds. But don't throw it away because it does have its place! I too was using the exact same set-up and had shotty germination. What works a little better is starting your seeds in a dampened(not soaked) paper towel within a ziplock bag. Keep it in a dark and relatively warm place(on top of the refridgerator, tv set, stereo, computer tower- whatever you have thats on all the time that stays warm).

Now once you start seeing sprouts THEN put them in the cellblock germination trey with the heat mat beneath. You'll get much better germination using the paper towel method and using the cellblock until they need to be transplanted into a bigger vessel.

Since you're already up and running go on ahead and stick with what you've got. If it doesn't pan out try the above. It'll do you well. :)
Here are a few pics. I'm a little worried about the leaves turning down. Is 4 32W cool 4' bulbs too much...for now?





How far is the light from the plants? Remember that they're still fragile at this point so try adjusting the height to see if it makes a difference.

Some of my sprouts are about the same as yours but I have my lights about 4 inches away and they have already started pushing out their true leaves without being leggy. Nice and compact the way I want. But of course your mileage will vary. Good luck!

Oh and what I'm doing to maximize the light and keep the temp/humidity consistent was put a white/black 6mm plastiv tarp over the whole thing. Keeps the light inside reflecting everywhere and the outside black so I don't notice the bright lights.

I've gotten other seeds to germinate in my little tent that were doing nothing at all outside. Jist some food for thought.
Heat mat on bottom + dome + lights right on top of dome = way too hot IMO. Been there done that, cooked seeds. Raise the lights way up until the dome is removed, then you can bring it back down. I keep a twin 40 shop light about 6 inches above my dome but make sure the dome lid is at least 2 inches raised on one side to let heat out if I have both the mat and the light on at the same time.
My lights were around 2" above the tray and I've had my dome off since I've had a few sprouts pop up. I have raised my lights to around 5-6" now and will see what happens. Are the leaves curling down, signs of getting to hot/to much light? Like I said I have 2 dual 4' cool lights (4 bulbs total) over the tray and hoping that's not to much. Thanks for the feedback guys! This is my round 2 and I'm hoping the learning curves will not hit me so hard from here on out :pray:
Looks like we almost have the same setup, except I have another pair of T8's for more coverage hehe. Since you've raised the lights, keep an eye on sprouts and see how they respond. Just keep in mind that if you make any changes to do it one at a time to eliminate the possible causes.

Did you remove the heat mat or turned it off? Depending on how warm it is under the lights, the heat coming off the lights will provide a nice constant temp for the others to germinate. Just don't let them dry out! Good luck!
I haven't turned the heating mat off as of yet. I have 5 Red Brain strains, 5 T S Morugas, 5 Jonahs, 5 douglahs, 5 Butch T Scorps and 5 choc habs I'm hoping will sprout...soon! I can tell a difference in the temp of the walk in closet they are in since adding the other T-8 lights, but being that It's 'only' been 12 days since I set up this tray, I'm not sure if I should remove the heating mat :/ ??
Check the temp under the lights to see how hot it is. You may not need the heat mat after all if its warm enough. Since I setup the grow tent, the lights provide enough heat for my germinating seeds and I have noticed they sprouted quickly uner the lights. I just keep them moist and warm and I believe it provides the perfect environment.

But I also have sprouted them in most paper towel/tupperware on my router. Actually sprouting some mangoes that way right now hehe. It all comes down to keeping it pretty basic.
But I also have sprouted them in most paper towel/tupperware on my router. Actually sprouting some mangoes that way right now hehe. It all comes down to keeping it pretty basic.

Funny, I remember when I was a teenager I use to sprout seeds on top of my hot water heater, i use a paper towel inside of a damp rolled up washcloth...

I'll just throw this out there for future reference... I haven't had the best of luck using a germination trey to start seeds. But don't throw it away because it does have its place!

I am with Fuse on this one, yea I thought they were really cool so I had a bunch of them, still do and had some successes and failures at first but that was because there is a definite learning curve to these and there is a trick to using them to get the best results, I did however start many chiles in these and after boiling and molding out a few batches I remember that at certain times I would crack that lid a little once in a while when I sensed it needed some fresh air and let some of the excess condensation out and instead of water from the bottom i kept it relatively on the dry side but moist and watered each plug with a specific amount from an eyedropper around the sides, and as leaflets got bigger they would consume the moisture.hence I would increase the dosage..etc...just lil things like that worked better for me and I also switched to the peat plugs(moisten them up and poke a hole with a pencil in the center to drop in the seed) with the mesh around them cause as soon as I had second leaves they were out of there and being in an easy to pull plug made it easier.

I know your luck will improve and my friends here have given you some excellent advice..

Good Luck and Be well..
Haha Sawdust! If it works why change right? It's also an excuse to be lazy!

Naw it ain't lazy, it could be percieved that way because it works so darn well, it is spot on, and best of all it is failsafe! It is called the art of improvising, adapting, and overcoming! hehe And when you mentioned a router well it caught my attention as I am a Network Engineer but I would have a hard time explaining to my boss why I am germinating pepper seeds in the DataCenter....haha...but perhaps when he is on vacation hmmmm? :}

Be well
Funny, I used to be a Network Engineer myself! I guess we have that analytical mind to solve problems quickly and efficiently!

Take care!
Funny, I used to be a Network Engineer myself! I guess we have that analytical mind to solve problems quickly and efficiently!

Take care!

Exactly! We have to get to a root cause analysis (RCA) quick or the corporate moguls lose money, But yea I think you are right...and concerning this thread I suspect rotten roots, but feel things will improve considering all the good advice that was given..

Take care yourself bro..
and concerning this thread I suspect rotten roots

Hey Sawdust, are you saying that by looking at my pics you suspect I have rotten roots? Any treatment for that? Just want to be sure. Also, what harm,if any, would it do IF I were to take the seeds that haven't started to sprout and tried to germinate them using the 'paper towel method'? And should I even consider that if it's only been 13 days since I set this tray up?

I do have that white powdery mold that has come back and the peroxide solution and chamomile tea isn't 'stopping' it.....are there any 'safe' fungicides that I can get at walmart/home depot/lowes? I have heard just because there may be mold, that it doesn't mean the plants/sprouts are being harmed.
Hello again sknxvll,

Try upping the mix of hydro peroxide, one teaspoon to a quart of water. Scrape the mold off first as best you can. You need air movement to stop the molding. A small fan in the closest should fix it. Sorry for not mentioning that earlier. Like I said last time when a seed pops you need to move it. Growing seedlings and germinating seeds are two different animals and require two different set ups. The heat mat combined with the lights on a domed tray just begs for temps too hot for seedlings. Leads to curling and brown cotyledons.

I am not in favor of bottom watering seeds. Seeds should be planted within 1/4" of the top. By the time the water wicks it's way up to the seed the growing medium is drenched and soggy seeds again. I've always misted the top. You have to keep an eye on them to make sure they don't dry out but you run less of a chance of them being too wet.

Once you get the seedlings set up under your lights, four inches from the lights sounds great, then concentrate on getting the rest of your seeds to germinate. You will have to monitor your temps and the moisture level. Forget about one and your can forget about getting the seeds to germinate.

Were you able to get a thermostat for the heat mat? It makes things almost fool proof for temp monitoring.

I know it can get frustrating but once you get this figured out there is no greater satisfaction of eating something you have grown yourself from seed. Good luck.
soil too wet, possibly too hot, dont need the lights until you have seedlings with leaves, once they are up, you should remove sprouts from tray or remove lid and put them under heavy lights, def mold in there...remove lid, keep lights on, get rid of heat mat, and put fan in there on them. mix up solution of peroxide and water and spray soil lightly. let the top dry out completely before re-misting. wet soil on top will attract gnats who will then lay eggs and the larvae will burrow to your plants roots and feast on them, thus killing your baby. best to water from bottom. good luck!
Above post has a good point about the fungus gnats and top watering. If you allow the top to almost dry out the larvae shouldn't be a problem. Fine line though.
Found this lil tidbit that best explains it: "roots need gas exchange and aeration to encourage the growth of generally beneficial bacteria (such as nitrogen-fixing bacteria) and fungal communities (mycorrhizae) near the roots that help plants. Waterlogging promotes the growth of anaerobic organisms, kills the beneficial aerobic organisms, could change soil pH due to different chemical activites and decomposition, kills root hairs on the roots (which starves the plant, such as can't get nitrogen from soil), and usually leads to root rot."

Everyone is telling you right, there is no magic fix available from a big box store. We just need to stop the waterlogging and cross our fingers.

Good Luck

Sources: http://scienceforums.com/

If you are asking me, a crazy guy from Texas what I would do well then I would yank that lid off, chunk the heating mat, take the tray ouside into some fresh air, no sunlight just light under a porch or something hopefull somewhere with a nice gentle breeze. Then I would take a toothpick and gently break up and turn the soil around the edges of each cell staying away from the center and the seeds, sprouts, roots let it set there a couple of hours in the breeze, and then turn the soil around the edges again basically letting it dry out and letting fresh air in giving aerobic bacteria a boost and anaerobic bacteria a redneck kick in the butt, and then at night put it back up and refrain from watering unless you are absolutely sure there is no moisture at the depth of the seeds or sprout roots. That is just what I would do, you do not have to do this, it is just my opinion worth about two cents :)
Hey all, thanks for the input and advice! It is greatly appreciated!! Next time I will use separate containers that aren't attached together so moving the seeds that sprout off the heating mat to under lights, will be more simple :/

I have had the dome off since I've had a couple of sprouts (5 days ago?) and the heating mat has been off since early this morning.
I will try upping the peroxide mix, and not sure if this matters but mine is 3% peroxide. I also have a small floor fan in the closet now as well.