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Health Benefits From Hot Peppers?

HP, I did a search on diabetes improvement with hot chile peppers and came up with some interesting results:

Unfortunately the story about the mice that had capsaicin directly injected into their pancreases, may have been specially modified mice that were designed to get diabetes. But until this story below is further verified, I'd still be inclined to suspend judgment on it as well.


But on the other hand, here is another story where injected mice were supposedly successfully cured of type 1 diabetes.


I'm not sure what type of mice were used in the second story, so it probably is best to do more research into this as well.

If it is true that capsaicin can be useful for treating diabetes, either type 1 or 2, that is definitely good news for the many people afflicted with these diseases.

I will add to this as well, I use chili as well as a abit of a pain killer. As I lost an arm in a motorcycle acdent as well as brain damage broken bones and so forth. I've have less ghost pain after eating very spicy food. As most people with cronic pain know pain killers have bad side afecks, I've been on 3 pills to take one heavy dudy pain killer. But working out as well is a must. It is pain I will have to fight for the rest of my life, the first few years where very hard. Wish people where not so urgmenttil about chili. So many in Canada hate chilies and so scared that they will tell me I'm wrong about about the pain killing afects of chili.
Exavier, it's good to hear that chile peppers help with your pain.

Any healthy relief from your pain that you can find is a definite plus.

And only you can tell if the chiles work for you, so if they're getting the job done, keep eating them.;)

I'm hoping that the hot sauce craze really hits these parts soon.

There were two different hot sauce shops in Edmonton, but they are not around, presumably from a lack of business.

Most of the local folks that say they really like hot sauces added to their meals are using Tabasco or Frank's Hot Sauces.

Thats good info dvg. Thanks!
Also just found this.....


You have to read down a bit. I have been having issues with my stomach for awhile, and has gotten worse. I am currently looking into what the problem is. Looks like it may be gastritis or H. pylori. I may end up not being able to even eat spicy stuff any more. AAAARRRRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol
HP, if it is H. pylori which is causing you problems, the common remedy now a days is just a course of antibiotics.

I remember reading in the mid 90's about an Aussie doctor who believed that H. pylori was responsible for stomach ulcers.

All of the other doctors laughed, scoffed at and ridiculed him.


So he downed a flask of fluid with H. pylori in it. And he got an ulcer. And then he cured himself of it with antibiotics.

And through his efforts, now that is the commonly accepted treatment for stomach ulcers.

Cayenne powder is also supposed to be very soothing and healing for stomach issues.

But just in case you have other undiagnosed gastric health issues, it's probably a good idea to let a professional check into it for you.

Hope all turns out well for you.

Actually, I just got my appt changed from the 14th to this Thursday. Im sure its something simple, hopefully. But, I have bad luck, so I dunno. And yes, I truelly believe in BAD luck. You cant believe in GOOD luck if you dont believe in BAD luck. My wife used to think I was full of shit. But not that she has seen some of the stuff that happens to me, she believes it fully now! lol
I cant remember where I read this, exactly. But, apparently the University of Tazmania did a search on capsaicin with diabetes. They said that diabetics that eat hot peppers on a regular basis regulate their blodd sugar 61% better than someone that didnt. They ALSO injected pure capsaicin straight into the pancreas of a diabetic mouse, and the pancreas started producing insulin!
My wife is a type 1 diabetic, so this was VERY interesting. But, she doesnt want a darn THING to do with hot stuff. She also has problems with her mouth, so even regular ketchup burns her tongue every-now-and-then. But, its nice info to know...
Hi HP..
My family tree is full of diabetics.It led to losing my mother early in life so I'm always watching out for any and all related info.
After seeing this forum discussion, I was inspired to do some research on my own, and found this info that might be interesting and/or helpful to you.( I think it might be the same one you were recalling)
The study is pretty heavy reading, with detailed explanations somewhat beyond my level of comprehension, but ultimately the findings appear to be favorable.(although the sample size was small)
If nothing else...it helps me counter some of my family members who think I'm nuts because I have a pill box full of dried bird peppers in my pocket nearly all the time.

Here is the site for the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, published in (2006), followed by an abstract of the University of Tasmania study by "MedScape"



Good health to you and yours...