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hot-sauce Heartbreaking Dawn's Chocolate Habanero Sauce

I believe I reviewed this ealier, but in a reply ...so.....
This sauce has numerical designation-but due to its mysterious disappearance I cannot display it.
Nice clean "clear" burn, kind of a creeper-but not a heat for heats sake sauce, good solid medium on OUR scale.
The flavor is good, not to sweet, it says nicely carmelized ingredients. Interestingly enough it made a good compliment to a bloody rare filet-
I mention that because not very many hot sauces say "beef" to me.To me, Beef is all about dry rubs.
That said -good with all manner of chicken,fish, and a clear winner for pork.
When I left it out in the galley , it promptly disappeared, and not in the trash.
We have an extremely low incidence of thievery on the vessels, because we can be "very not very nice" out on the briny, if you are lucky you just get immediatley terminated, and a helo to the beach.So the fact it was promptly removed is part of my review....
it was almost empty anyway!
If they are not to busy honeymooning the HBD gang may even clear up the number mystery for us........ ;) :woohoo:
The numbers stand for the year 1542 when Francisco de Orellana, in search of gold and cinnamon, arrived at the mouth of the Amazon River. This sauce features the Chocolate Habanero, also known as the Congo Peppers. The high heat congo comes alive within a blend of natural garlic and cumin flavors. Each of our gourmet fiery products are crafted with a precision and love that we know you'll be able to taste.

From description on a hotsauce website. Thanks for the review I have seriously been considering this sauce! Now I will have to get it.
You know how hard it is to get a helo out to a rig just to snag a bottle of sauce? Then when you get there it is almost all gone. OI!

Nice review.
Awesome! Thank you guys for the great feedback. The 1542 is a big departure for me from the style I would usually go. It was risky one to go with because it is sooo different than the others, but that's a good thing and keeps the recipe process fresh. There is no fruit base, but i did manage to still get the carrot in there, and it's probably the one sauce we have that has a specific genre profile to it, being very southwestern. I myself love the sauce and am truly happy with this one. Sorry it got stolen!
Thank you, Johnny, from a transplanted Southwesterner. Love this sauce. The 5 oz woozy didn't last very long though . . . is it available in a 10 oz size?
Right now our hot sauces are only in 5 oz, except for the three originals and the 1841 which are in gallons. But I am glad you mention the size. Maybe next year we could offer some of the line in a larger size.