We got a great letter from a Sergeant overseas requesting some products. We sent out a nice package to his Platoon and shared the letter with our friends. Because of the overwhelming response, we've started a HEAT FOR HEROES Donation project, check it out on our website! www.heartbreakingdawns.com HELP SPREAD THE WORD ON THIS ONE!
What a great idea! Thanks for your donations to our heroes!
here's a direct link to HBD's page-

Johnny and Nicole, I'm willing to send a package or two of stuff also, if you want some help on the project. Send me a PM if you do.

Happy Holidays!
Ok thanks for the interest... This all began just last week so we only have one APO address and we don't want to flood the one platoon without giving other platoons the opportunity to receive anything; so we are waiting for more addresses through family members and friends that have loved ones overseas before we expand the campaign. For now just spreading the word would be the most helpful; thanks!!


xo nicole
I thought about this idea once but read an official military clause that said you weren't supposed to send things like food products, etc. They had a list of things you could donate and it was socks, underwear, and a few other things. I also thought they may not want the after effects of hot sauce. Well good luck!
I thought about this idea once but read an official military clause that said you weren't supposed to send things like food products, etc. They had a list of things you could donate and it was socks, underwear, and a few other things. I also thought they may not want the after effects of hot sauce. Well good luck!
We had talked about it awhile back but it wasn't until we received an email from a Sergeant of a Platoon who had gotten some of our products through one of his soldiers care packages. That's what really set this in motion. You can check out the letter on our site. Although Hot Sauce is one of the items, I agree it's not for everyone so we're mixing it up with our grilling sauces, pure spices, salts and seasonings. Anything we make that can enhance the flavors of the food with flavors of home.
I'm with you guys on this one. Keep me in the loop as this develops.
Just an update

We have sent out slightly over $1,000 of product from donations to "HEAT FOR HEROES" to women and men overseas in the Military. Thank you for being a part of this and helping our troops! We are going to keep it going as long as we can, so keep spreading the word!!

Thank you for your donations :clap: <~~ That guys clappin for you hehe

xox nicole