• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
    Is your plant suffering from an unknown issue? 🤧
    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.

Heat; it's the bloody heat that is...

I guess it is hard to find a place that is good for plants and good for us??!!!
Now I have been to Hawaii and even though the temps were in the 80's I loved the breeze so I could hang out there for a few years if I COULD AFFORD IT!! LOL
But I am 56 and doesn't look like I will be going anywhere!! I would sell everything and buy a diesel pusher RV with slide outs and tow my boat for the rest of my life but I would have to do it by myself cause the little lady aint having it!! :>)
Just when I go being contrary in this thread, I swear it was like 98F here today. I was working outside and almost had heat stroke. I'm out of shape, but damn is it hot today.
I've seen this on tv, there's this guy who has a peach plantation somewhere that has really really big fans around his plantation and turns it on to keep his trees cooler by a few degrees and he says it helps. Maybe I should put a few fans out for my plants too? But my dad would probably think I'm crazy.
hey, neat idea, I think I will go and buy some big fans to blow the snow south into Texas..............
4:25am, looking out my window and still snowing.
I could do Hawaii about now, warm weather, beaches, girls in short shorts ..... yahoo..... how much is an airline ticket.......... wait..... got a wife and kids..... guess that's off the list!
Damn, sorry to hear about the heat problems (and cold for others). I hate to brag but I have been having perfect weather. Hasn't rained in a couple weeks, sunny weather throughout, 70s-80s during the day, mid-upper 50s at night, humidity around 50%. My plants are loving it. Sorry!!!