Heaviest Pod Competition (C. Chinense). Win a Hornets Nest Gift Pack!

Well spent all day harvesting and my largest was maybe 25 grams. Can't remember. Might have been a bit more but nowhere near Fiogga's entry. Awesome pods and great contest Pex
Ohhhh... I will have to do this. Hope I didn't dehydrate my largest.

Oh and I will have to submit a pic to see if another of my plants counts. Dunno what they are. But they look like huge gnarly Habs on roids.

Oh it's over.. Well, I should get an extension for building a new website and having a sucky last 22 days. Lol..
I would have thought it would be larger, those peppers must be thick walled to weigh that much.
I might need to try those out next season.
PexPeppers said:
mein gott! also, about 9 hours left
I thought the contest ended Friday, the 28th?
Not that I have anything that will win... Well, I do have a Tiger that is bigger than the one I submitted, but it is still green and I am not picking it until it is ripe.
Help me out here; are you saying the contest is ongoing, restarted, multiple winners, or what?
I doubt I can beat fiogga's Maldivian pods with any C. Chinense I am growing, but if you are offering another chance for others to win (excluding past winners, of course) then I might try again.