hello and thank you...

hello fellow chilli heads, and thanks for being here. I found this site a few weeks back and since then have spent way too much time reading, laughing, and soaking up the vibe. I´ve always loved spicy food and have been growing plants for the best part of twenty years, but it was only this year that i got around to caring for a few hot-pepper plants that i scored fairly late in the season at a local nursery. The pods from my naga morich are amazing! A serious heat kick and a flavour that i really enjoy. I´ve gone from eating chillis twice a week to three times a day....it´s begun!
Growing, cooking, eating, and beer. This place rocks!!!
:welcome:  from Central Florida, US
I too really enjoy the Naga Morich. I personally thought the flavor is superior to the Bhut Jolokia, and the heat is close or the same. Enjoy!