Hello fellow chili lovers

Just wanted to say Hi. I had no idea this forum existed until I saw the link on the Hippie Seed Company website. Since then I have been lurking for a few weeks. I have been growing peppers in containers for about 3 years and this year have stepped up to some of the hotter ones. I killed all my Bhuts last year, but this year I have two really healthy ones that will hopefully make it through the winter. In the next few weeks I will be starting some Butch T Scorpions, Bhuts, NuMex Suaves, 7 pod, and Mulatos. I plan on running some experiments comparing variances in managment and production between transplanting to soil outdoor VS indoor Hydro. They may not be the most scientific since this will be my first year with Hydro. Hopefully I can gain enough knowledge via the web and here to have some sucess and not kill too many plants though stupidity.
:welcome: From Oregon. You have a lot to offer!