Hello from Alberta Canada

Hello everyone of THP! I have been lurking quite a while now, and only now have I decided to make an account.

I would have to say that with the current weather in Edmonton, it definitely took a toll on my habanero's growing. Actually, it grew the most in the middle of winter when the snow melted, and this is January where for the last 19 years have I never seen no snow in January. The hab grew a good 4 inches, and branched off from the main stem (its almost as wide as tall...). Sadly, it's a month into spring, there's snow, and my hab hasn't been growing a lot :(

I might do a Glog for my 7pod, choc. bhuts, and butch t's that are currently in the germinating setup. Bought them from pepperlover.

And...is it possible to keep plants alive and kicking with just CFLs? Winter is a harsh thing for us Canadians :)
:welcome: from the Pacific NorthWest! Good luck with the Canadian Spring!
Welcome from Ontario! You should be able to keep them alive on CFLs, you just might need a couple of them. Good luck!