Hello from Atlanta, Georgia

Hi everybody! Just a grower from OTP Atlanta. 2013 will be my third year growing peppers, my second year in Georgia. I'm a CA native and started growing there.

I enjoy growing all kinds of vegetables, but the nightshades take up most of my plot, with a special emphasis on hot peppers. Tomatoes, eggplants, okra, fava beans, snow peas, turnips, beets, radishes, kale, chard, and herbs (basil, sage, thyme, perilla) are usually in my garden.

My favorite varieties of hot peppers so far are fatalii, fresno, thai, and a Sichuanese variety called chao tian jiao (朝天椒), aka "facing heaven pepper" or "skyward facing pepper" that's traditionally used in southwestern Chinese food. I haven't grown superhots yet, but I got some free red bhut and brain strain in a seed order, so this will be my first year with them.

Outside of gardening, I enjoy cooking, tea, reading, hiking, running, and video games.

I'm eager to learn from you all!

¡Hola! and welcome from south FL
:welcome: from sunny South Florida! :woohoo:

From southeastern Louisiana! You're gonna have to tell me some day how you keep your Thyme alive. I've had a heck of a time with it. Killed a few
Phil, we have oak and dogwood trees that are more than happy to provide insulation (dead leaves) in winter and partial shade in summer. It doesn't thrive, but it does ok.