Hello from Australia!

G'day guys, been lurking here a while, having a looksie.

I've developed within the past 6 months from not being able to eat Jalapenos to barely handling Orange habaneros, the hottest chilli local to Canberra. I am attempting to grow a 7-Pot Jonah thanks to Niel at the moment, been planted for 5 days now.

From Canberra, the capital of Australia, the only area not going through spontaneous natural disasters at the moment. I incorporate chilli into my diet daily, usually in a sauce or powder, when I can get fresh habaneros or anything like that, I will eat them whole, I love the crunch from a fresh one, it does get me high and happy.

I plan on eating a 7-Pot jonah freshly picked whole with no experience with superhots, I understand how stupid it is, but it is an experience I want, as it will bring me far closer to my beloved habaneros and invite many other types to enjoy with some persistence.

more from me soon!! :)
:welcome: from Northern Rivers NSW,
Niel will set you straight (or twisted depending on how you look at it)
Now to turn those super hots into a table sauce?
Its a fun ride mate. prepare for take off :hell:
:welcome: from Northern Rivers NSW,
Niel will set you straight (or twisted depending on how you look at it)
Now to turn those super hots into a table sauce?
Its a fun ride mate. prepare for take off :hell:

Thanks everybody.
I have forcibly reached my limit in the household except for all those extract sauces I have, So I am getting Yellow7 soon, and when I make my emu curry in a few weeks I'll get some skobiyan into the paste. My limit has dramatically increased since making this thread, it's scary - suppose that happens when you force yourself to go further nearly daily, and you actually grow to love that feeling when teh capsasim penetrates your skin cells, it is crazy and wonderful, but the pain is no longer a pain, it's an intense burn....

I totally belong here....