Hello from Australia

Hi all,
I am glad to of found this forum as I am a chili junky. I love my chili and must have spice with nearly everything I devour. I also want to start growing my own and have ordered some bhut jolokia seeds that should be arriving in a few days.
Now, the main reason why I have signed up to this forum is because of these bad boys. I wanna know what type of chili they are. My father has been growing them in his veggie patch. They are a very bushy plant and grow all year long (my father has stripped the plant down because it was like a hedge). They have a slightly fruty flavour, can be juicy when you chop them up, have distinctive black seeds and make you burn twice. Do any of you fine folk know what type of chili it is ?




Rocotos, a/k/a Manzano Red Capsicum Pubescens. I've never seen one with that elongated pod shape though. Usually they are more round, like a little apple.
Could be AJI ROCOTO (PI 355812)

As found here- http://www.thechileman.org/results.php?chile=1&find=Rocoto&heat=Any&origin=Any&genus=Pubescens&submit=Search

Edit: Didn't notice the wrinkles on the second pic, could be ROCOTO LARGO SAN ISIDRO. Are the flowers white or purple?
Side by side.

Rocotto Peron look to be a perfect match on a Google search. They seem to be on the lower end of the Scoville chart, yikes! Bring on Bhut Jolokia. Thanks for the help guys :)
Thanks all, JungleRain, now im thinking they might be turbo pubes.:think: . Either way, they are bloody hot but delicious.

Welcome from another Rocoto aficionado. That variety is probably not a Turbo Pube due to the colour when ripe differing. A while back I made a short list of the varieties in the thechileman.org database that had photos.

I never did identity without doubt the first variety of Rocoto I had.
Welcome to the forum Ken....Its good to see another local Melbourne boy join in. Where abouts are you in Melbourne?

I'm in Croydon.