Hello from California

Hail to the Pepper! My name is Damon and I love peppers! I've grown about a dozen or so different kinds of peppers ranging from mild to hot. But I would like to learn much more about pepper culture and varieties! I got some seeds last winter from a friend that he called the Ghost Pepper, I'm not sure if they were the real deal but man the were hot! About 4 inches in length, fire engine red and very crinkly. A little too hot for my taste but still fun to grow. I also love growing tomatoes, they seem to go really well with peppers. Anyway looking forward to browsing and finding some good online seeds sources.

hey, Damon.
I'm a newbie, too. I consider myself pretty tolerant of a lot of heat, but those super-hots like those Bhut Jolokias you have are not something I really want to try.