Hello from Denmark....

As a new member, already addicted and spending hours on THP forums every day, just want to say hello!

And thanks a lot to the very kind and helpfull 'seedsuppliers' and 'swappers' - you guys are great :woohoo:

(Being impatient, I put quite a lot of seeds, wrapped in wet kitchen paper - caught in a plastic bag - on my heated bathroom floor - they are all full of life!! Now I'm just scratching my ..... head; because where the %¤&#"¤ am I going to place the 50 (still increasing)seedlings, until the outdoor season in may?! And what about extra light.... arrgh!)

welcome, i just received a package from pepperlover today full of hotties, now I am wondering which wintering plants i have to kill to free up some containers. yahoo!
Welcome from Austin Texas.

May Your Soul Rest In Peppers




Had a friend from Denmark who worked for the same Japanese company.
Oh, Burning Colon (finding it a little 'painfull' to write that :-)here in my house, the wondering is about wheter to kill some pets (could use the fish bowl and light :cool: )or move my daughter and some furnitures into the snow covered garden and then give me and my plants more space?!

(just kidding) :)
Hello Joe :)

Guess you're right, and thanks!

BTW the Zavory and Scotch Bonnet seeds are now doing fine and 'green', starting their danish adventure! :dance:
Thanks you, thank you.... :)

And Grant, you have been very helpfull, I've made a hot floor reservation for my Australian babies, they will be taken good care of :)
No Megamoo you're not the only one, but as long as we don't sell or put the kids in a tent in the garden, it's okay....isn't it?! 0:-)