Hello from Freo, Western Australia

Thankyou all for the warm welcome.

I'm growing Bhuts mainly, but plan on growing some Trinidad Scorpions later on.

This is a small hobby farm so I'll only be cultivating a couple of acres.

Hey Chilliman, some of these chillis are your seed.
I'll be contacting you sometime in the near future.

Nik :cheers:
Greetz and all that...


(The image is from here: http://www.aspencountry.com/chile_kitchen_decor.html )

They have kewl stuff.
Saintnik said:
Thankyou all for the warm welcome.

I'm growing Bhuts mainly, but plan on growing some Trinidad Scorpions later on.

This is a small hobby farm so I'll only be cultivating a couple of acres.

Hey Chilliman, some of these chillis are your seed.
I'll be contacting you sometime in the near future.

Nik :cheers:

Sweet mate, look forward to up dates ! Goodluck !
Novacastrian said:
Just another Aussie? What like we are that common? I take offence to that.


:lol:Welcome to the hot pepper mate. We shall teach you how to be even :crazy:er

welcome mate.

Nova, we are all in love with Hot peppers. Aussie,Americano, Gringo, Indian, or any.
From Tokyo to Timbaktu we belong to one tribe, Chillians.:hell:
