Hello from Manchester, England

Hello everyone!

My name is Suzanne and I'm from Manchester, England.

I've been growing chillis on my windowsills for about 4 years as I've never had a garden of my own. Having recently moved house, I now have a garden and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a good summer so I can grow loads of chillis and tomatoes.

Anyway, nice to meet you all and thanks for the great advice you guys have given me already.


SuperSuzie x

I`m in San Diego, but from Wigan. I hope you aren`t a City fan!

OMG I'm a pie eater too and a latics fan! I live in Bury now but I'm from Ashton originally!
Wiganers get about dont they?!?

Thanks for the hellos everyone!
:welcome: from sunny South Florida! :woohoo:
¡Hola! and welcome from south FL
Hi Suzanne and welcome from Paris !

You have the name of one of my favourite song from Leonard Cohen.

See you later
Hi Suzanne and welcome from Paris !

You have the name of one of my favourite song from Leonard Cohen.

See you later

And also an excellent Weezer song, I'm very lucky!

Thanks everyone for your hellos. Never been on a forum quite so friendly before x