Hi fellow chileheads let me introduce myself my name is Darrin and i've been growing hot peppers for about 6 years now. It all started when a coworker gave me a red habanero ever since i've been hooked now i cant stop myself from buying pepper seeds. I want to try all of them but only have limited space to grow them which sux! So this is a some of the ones im growing this year trinidad scorpion,dorset naga,bhut jolokia,red dominican habanero,scotch bonnet (sbs),chocolate scotch bonnet,tfm scotch bonnet,trinidad perfume,caribbean red,scorpion tongue,baccatum pea,venezuelan aji dulce,7 pod/pot (s.r),7 pod/pot(u.k.), 7 pod/pot (semillas) and a few more. also i've been a lurker for awhile now. I guess I was in denial. I am a chilehead AFTER ALL