Hello from MN!

I grew up in central MN. I had great success in growing everything from jalapenos and thai's to orange habaneros. Started around mid April and used the shop light trick with grow bulbs.

Once the last freeze passed, I would plant them outdoors. I did keep a few in containers to prolong their life in the fall.
I grew up in central MN. I had great success in growing everything from jalapenos and thai's to orange habaneros. Started around mid April and used the shop light trick with grow bulbs.
Thanks! I had great success this year with my JalapeƱos and Cayennes just growing them outside! I'm currently growing my Tabascos inside just right by a window and they seem to be doing fine!
Well met;
I am in Wisconsin---that is east of you :lol:

Cold as a witch wearing a brass bra over here. Romy6 told me to start the long finish peppers in January so I am making a couple hot houses in the place and and made a greenhouse out back after they get bigger and the weather starts to get above 32 degrees.
we will see if I can raise the hot ones :hell:

good luck to you :welcome: