Hello from Oklahoma

Hi folks!

Where to begin! Well, I'm a college student (still after several years and a few degrees) that will hopefully be graduated by December or May with a Master's degree. During my undergrad I was very active with sports and clubs. Now, as a grad student, I found I had time on my hands. My father had a garden last year that was very bountiful, mainly consisting of tomato, squash, and bell pepper plants. This got me excited about growing and gardening. So, I decided to have a few container pepper plants. Currently, I have Big Bertha and Spicy Cajun bell peppers, as well as golden cayenne, chilli red, and mammoth jalapenos growing.

I recently went to a local store and bought some habeneros and removed the seeds in hopes of planting in the future. I look forward to reading the knowledge available in this forum and hopefully picking up a recipe or ten! :)

Anyways, I'm glad I've picked up this hobby as its relaxing and very rewarding. See y'all around,

:welcome:[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)] [/background][background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]to THP - [/background][background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]Greetings from Metrolina in North Carolina! [/background]
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)] …..“The taste is followed by a vicious hot spicy bite……" [/background] :flamethrower:[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)] [/background] :onfire: