Hello from Oxnard, Ca..

Hello everyone. This is my second year growing peppers. In my first growing year, I started 20 plants from seed out of fear that not one would survive. At the end of that season I had 20 pepper plants. (Except for the Bhut seed) My friends and family had delicious and hot salsa all year. This year I had so many beautiful and successful plants that I auctioned many off during the relay-4-life to raise money. My plants were a hit.

I am a pepper fanatic. The hotter the better. Whenever I go out to eat, I take my keys, wallet and bottle of habanero sauce. I am here to meet like minded fanatics to exchange information and tips.

I am especially interested in gaining some insight into growing the Bhut's and Trinidad varieties. I have had in incredibly difficult time getting these going. My first year, of all the Bhut seed (NMSU seed) I started, only one plant grew to maturity. This year, not one grew to maturity.

My goal for 2011 is to successfully grow Bhuts and Trinidad varieties.

I look forward to sharing information and gaining knowledge from the all of you.

Eat well!

Welcome from Fort Worth...

you have come to the right place to learn how to successfully grow peppers...
Welcome from Austin Texas.

May Your Soul Rest In Peppers



Hey :welcome: from Clovis, CA. +1 for AJ as a first year grower this place has been a wealth of info and great folks too