Hello from the Kawarthas!!!

Hey All
Just wanted to say hi.
I am new to the pepper growing world. My only experience is growing some habebero plants last summer. It did not turn that well. I think I put them in the ground a few weeks to early and they got hit by a late frost. This year will be differnt!
I am going to start some seeds inside in the next few weeks, get them nice and strong them plan them outisde when I know there is chance of another frost.
Not to sure what as I dont have any seeds. Any suggestions on where to purchase some?
I look forward to learing from all of you and when the time comes passing on my knowledge
:welcome:  from sunny South Florida!  :woohoo:
Howdy neighbour!

I'm in the PTBO area too. Not sure what you're looking to grow, shoot me a PM I might be able to send a few seeds your way.