Hello from Tualatin !

Hi everyone. I live in Tualatin (too-all-uh-tin), which is a smallish town about 12 miles south of Portland, Oregon. I have been lurking for several months, trying to learn a bit more about peppers. It appears there are some skilled growers nearby!

I have been growing a few pepper plants for the past 2 years. I have a small garden with raised beds, and lots of pots. I also have been making some hot sauces and salsa during that time. There is a nice Asian market nearby that sells lots of peppers for me to experiment with. My hot sauces get distributed to a few friends and neighbors with good feedback - but I hope to improve. This year, I stepped up the pepper growing a bit but am still a novice. So far, I buy my starts from various nurseries and a local farmers market guy.

In 3 gallon pots
Trinidad Scorpion (x1)
Bhut Jolokia (x1)
Fatali (x2)
Ancho Magnifico (x1)
Numex Joe Parker (x1)
Cayene (x1)
Habanero (x1)

In raised garden beds
Habanero (x3) - one was overwintered
Jalapeno (x3)

It's turning into another challenging summer here (like last year). We get a few warm days, here and there, but then the cool/cloudy weather returns again. The 7 days forecast doesn't look that promising. Everything appears healthy, but only the Jalapenos, Numex and Joe Parker have pods. The rest have lots of flowers. Hopefully, we will have a nice long Indian Summer this fall. It tends to be a slow, later harvest in Portland for most of the hotter varieties.I am also looking into starting early and going later with a greenhouse (maybe next season).

I have enjoyed reading this forum, and hope to learn a lot more!

:welcome: to THP and Greetings from the Metrolina - North Carolina !
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)] “The taste is followed by a vicious hot spicy bite……[/background][background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]" [/background][background=rgb(255, 244, 228)] :flamethrower:[/background][background=rgb(255, 244, 228)] [/background][background=rgb(255, 244, 228)] :onfire:[/background]

:welcome: from the PacificNorthWest!

All right, another Portland Area grower! We are few and far
between; guess that speaks to climate here! Welcome to
the fold, 'Toddy - hope we get a chance to hook up and
have a refreshing beverage sometime :beer:
PM me any time! :cheers:
