food Hells Kitchen's Flog

My mum pretty much reckons it's a miracle I'm still alive, my bro thinks I'm a psycho, and a couple of mates on a diet don't want to look at pics of my "insane cookoffs" as they so eloquently put it, as they are afraid of getting thrown off the diet bandwagon...










Often I do stuff that doesn't seem to fit in the other threads, so will do my own flog like the other chilli artists here :D
Thats a Scooby Doo style sanga right there!
Is that one of those stone-ware pans off the tele?? is it?? .. a friend of mine has her heart set on getting a set of those.... i was going to see if there were similar options out there for her to try.....
PepperWhisperer said:
Good lookin' grub. That Dave's Ghost Pepper sauce is pretty tasty yeah?
Tinnie said:
Thats a Scooby Doo style sanga right there!
lol thanks I always salivated over the sandwiches shaggy and scooby managed to get their hands on
Is that one of those stone-ware pans off the tele?? is it?? .. a friend of mine has her heart set on getting a set of those.... i was going to see if there were similar options out there for her to try.....
Stonewear yes my mum bought them. I dont know what effect they have on flavour, apparently you can cook food in it with out oil but that's an alien concept to me so I use it like a normal frying pan.

My sri lankan friend loves my wings, didn't even have to blow his nose while my boss gave up after 2 bites lol. the Daves naga jolokia sauce is indeed good, but on its own it's like dripping molten lead on your tongue! They apparently sell a Scorpion pepper sauce which is supposed to be hotter...

I can make my wings much much hotter... stay tuned for my Colon Raper and Nuclear Holocaust wings...
I have the Dave's scorpion sauce in the fridge. It is hotter, but the flavor isn't there. The ingredients list extract, so they are cheating a bit to get the heat up.