Help! Canning question

I'm making turkey stock from the leftover carcasses I've managed to collect after thanksgiving and I was wondering if stock would keep in the fridge if it was boiling water bath canned? I know to keep it on the shelf you'd have to pressure can it, but I simply wish to store it for a few weeks tops without freezing. Any suggestions? I will hopefully be getting a pressure canner for christmas :)

I'll have to share my turkey & dumplings recipe, I swear it's the best part of thanksgiving. I make it every year with the stock I make from leftovers. I know you're supposed to use raw bones and stuff for stock, but I like the way cooked turkey stock tastes, it simply can't be beat.

No hurry though, this stock has another 7 hours or so til it's done simmering.
I would think the bath would be enough but if you have a canner, why not use it? Wouldn't take much longer and you would know it would last for years!

Who says you have to use raw carcass for stock? Cooked is just fine. If it were me...and it isn't..I would go the freezer way. Simmer the stuff down and then cool in a water bath. I would then pour it into quart ziplocks and suck out the air and zip it up, then double bag it. I'm guessing you don't like to freeze as it tends to pick up unwanted "other" smells. Removing the air and double bagging will solve that. Canning the stuff seems like alot of work if you are planning on using it in a few weeks...

Cheers, TB.
I agree with TB, freeze it. why waste time canning it if you're gonna use it within a couple weeks, & freezing it it'll be safer for not having it go bad. just put it in a sealable container.
My poor freezer is full of chicken, peppers & liquor :( Hopefully I can find room for this stock.
TCG...I can help you out with the peppers and liquor. You'll have plenty of room then. Quite sure others would be willing to help you out as well.

Cheers, TB.
I'm basically lazy, soon as turkey comes off the carcass the bones go in a bag to the freezer. When it's time to make soup easy to add the bones. I just skip the making broth ahead of time. It works for me.