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Help help help!!!

OK, the worst thing happened that I never saw comming. I woke up to find one of my prized cutback and flourishing nagas was attacked in the night. Im talking all the bottom leaves munched on, there was even a 3 to 4 finger wide hole dug in the pot?!?!?!?! Some seedlings I also just started were gone, just stems. What the heck is going on? Im guessing it had to be a mouse in the naga pot. It is up front by an open window. Unless there is a type of bug that can dig a huge hole over night and vanish? The strange thing is my seedlings are next to my other growing peppers and only the seedlings got touched? I dont see how a mouse would pass up the bag of beef jerky and just snap up 7 little leaves? Please give me any and all ideas.
No chance for slugs. And the huge hole dug in the pot is whats freaking me out! These are indoor plants.
Seedlings are delicious for any plant eater. A mouse sounds reasonable as long as there's any chance for it to slip in. Just keep the windows closed overnite or attach some sorta flyscreen to it.
Get the shotgun out tonight, wait patiently behind the coach, and when the thing that ate your plants appears BLAST IT!!!!!!

Now, while solving one problem, it may create a few other ones. Just tell th epolice that you were killing vermin and they should let you off the hook in case the neighbors call.

It does sound like a mouse problem though. Set out a snap trap around the plants and give it some good bait.
The mouse is not very likely to return once she found there's no way in anymore. Safe the money and keep the windows closed for a few nites! :)
Yeah, I figured it was a darn mouse. Already screened the front windows sent the dog through to check if it was still in there, and looked for any signs that it was setting up shop. Will update after another night. God help us all if this is some new crazy super bug.
And the verdict is...... Mouse! Sheisanomore! Atleast the little critter liked penut butter more than my plants. My guard is only partially down now though. Traps will remain. Thank you for all who participated in my momentary freakout.
imaguitargod said:
Get the shotgun out tonight, wait patiently behind the coach, and when the thing that ate your plants appears BLAST IT!!!!!!

Now, while solving one problem, it may create a few other ones. Just tell th epolice that you were killing vermin and they should let you off the hook in case the neighbors call.

It does sound like a mouse problem though. Set out a snap trap around the plants and give it some good bait.

Kind of sounds like the time Jeff foxworthy was talking about a guy waiting outside with a pile of peanuts, night vision goggles, and a BB gun!!:lol::lol: