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Help identifing peppers that I've gotten on my trip to Peru so far.

Hey. Im on vacation in Peru right now, & I've came across a few types of peppers that im wanting to bring seeds from back to the US.
Some of them I sort of have an idea what they are, but others, I don't.
So here they are.

They said these were Aji Limos

They said these were other types of Aji Limos

Im pretty sure that this is just a Red Rocotto

This one they said was an Aji Amarillo

& These I'm not quite sure on. My uncle has a plant outside of his house.
These are the Peppers

This is the Plant! [With me next to it!]

This is just the plant

thanks in advancee :D
The only one's Ive eaten so far are the red aji limos & the pepper from my uncles housee.
The little peppers my uncle had were pretty spicyy ! They packed a punch for their size !
The red aji limo was hot, but not as hot.
Can't help you on the peppers, but the picture with you in it... Is that an Annatto/achiote tree behind you?
If you can bring back whole pods from that I'd love to get my hands on some to try growing here.

Edit: Never mind. I searched an image of one and it's definitely not, but if you happen to come across one down there I'd be willing to trade for some.
The picture with you in it could be a Wiri Wiri but I'm not sure. Looks like it has a powdery mildew problem on the leaves. Definitely try to bring some pods home with you dude!!!
holy hell mikey those peppers are legit and you should trade the rocoto seeds for something good! haha thats a frikkin huge bush that you are next to!!!!
I love the purple pods. :) Aji Rojo perhaps? Aji Amarillo is definitely correct. Nice looking C. Pubescens too. Nice sized plant too!! I hope the trip is a lot of fun and you find lots of treasures. I'm guessing trying to send the seeds back to the U.S. will work better than Customs. You can send them to me. LOL. Kidding.

The round yellow one in the 2nd pic makes me think of yellow rocoto - also known as canario. What color are the seeds?
Can't help you on the peppers, but the picture with you in it... Is that an Annatto/achiote tree behind you?
If you can bring back whole pods from that I'd love to get my hands on some to try growing here.

Edit: Never mind. I searched an image of one and it's definitely not, but if you happen to come across one down there I'd be willing to trade for some.

how is it pronouced & whats it look like ? if you can send me pictures or whatever, ill pick one up if i see one.
The picture with you in it could be a Wiri Wiri but I'm not sure. Looks like it has a powdery mildew problem on the leaves. Definitely try to bring some pods home with you dude!!!

yeahh maybee im not suree. it was like hotter than an average habenero, but it didnt last as long. & yeah it seemed like dusty or somethingg.
& yeaah im send some in the mail & try to bring some in the planee !
holy hell mikey those peppers are legit and you should trade the rocoto seeds for something good! haha thats a frikkin huge bush that you are next to!!!!

yeaah duude ! im stokked !
& ima try to. & ima plant somee too !
& yeaah duude my uncle planted it years agoo & I never knew about it until noww.
I love the purple pods. :) Aji Rojo perhaps? Aji Amarillo is definitely correct. Nice looking C. Pubescens too. Nice sized plant too!! I hope the trip is a lot of fun and you find lots of treasures. I'm guessing trying to send the seeds back to the U.S. will work better than Customs. You can send them to me. LOL. Kidding.


haha not sure. maybee ? & yeah thats my uncles plantt its legitt. & yeah its been legit so far & Im here till saturdaay ! & idk duude ima try to do both. hopefully I dont get them confiscated :O
& im willing to send you some of my extra seeeds if you send me a SASE.
The round yellow one in the 2nd pic makes me think of yellow rocoto - also known as canario. What color are the seeds?

maybee. it really looks like it !
& i havnt opened it, but if the seeds are blackk they definitely aree !
ima open all of them tommorow
dude please try to hedge your bet,(increase your chances)
collect some seeds now
and send a letter to yourself back home

if it gets through the post you got seeds at home before you?

i do not know how the border people, customs, or tsa will treat your hand carries
or youy if you are carrying seeds and all

if you send a letter they ain't likely to "harass" you about that?
dude please try to hedge your bet,(increase your chances)
collect some seeds now
and send a letter to yourself back home

if it gets through the post you got seeds at home before you?

i do not know how the border people, customs, or tsa will treat your hand carries
or youy if you are carrying seeds and all

if you send a letter they ain't likely to "harass" you about that?

yeahh thats a good idea !
im try to send a few different letters home & ima try to take some on the plane too. ill do both :D