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Help Identifying this chilli....Please!


I have this chilli growing in my garden. I believe I have it mis-labelled as a Habanero Limon. The bush is about 1 foot & 1/2 high, is absolutley loaded with fruit, that go from green to red. Heat in the pods is 10++.

Any help identifying would be greatly appreciated.


Ah.... Gotcha. I can't tell the differences... yet

Chinense are typically "heart shaped" to some degree. I could see it being some sort of baccatum, but I'm not good enough at plant ID to get much more than "not chinense." It does look like a datil or naga shaped pod, though.
Thanks guys, its got me stumped. The plant would have in total over 200 good sized pods on it......Lovin it, just need to find out what it is.

Couple more photo's.

The heat is a creeper. I would say hotter than a habanero. Quite a fruity taste. Heat dosent last to long.

Thanks Guys

Look like the less hot American strain of the bhut jolokia. I grew some last year and the plant, leaves, and pods looked just like that. At least it was sold to me as that from seedrack.com. :wacko: Yeh, heat was creeper, not insane hot, but definitely had some heat. Tasted like raspberry, very sweet.