I've got some strange kind of rot on about 1/3 to 1/2 of the pods on one of my orange habs. And sadly, the same rot appears to be showing up now on a red hab. It doesn't look like pests or crawly things, but it's not at the blossom end for BER. I can't figure out what's going on here. Any input would be much appreciated.
This first pic shows the characteristic indented concave rot/soft spot on the stem end, which has hit about 1/3 of the pods.
This next pic shows the indented concave rot, but this time more on the blossom end, with a noticeable hole at the stem end. I believe this hole was probably an advanced stage of the rot, rather than a pest crawling its way out. I should note that we had pepper maggots hitting the Jalapenos all throughout June, but these holes do not look like pepper maggot holes to my eye.
I sliced up some of the damaged ones to look inside, and I don't really see the flesh munching characteristic of garden pests who bore through pepper walls. Besides, what would pests be doing munching on thin-walled orange habs? I have big fat, thick-fleshed sweet peppers growing not 18 inches away.
This first pic shows the characteristic indented concave rot/soft spot on the stem end, which has hit about 1/3 of the pods.
This next pic shows the indented concave rot, but this time more on the blossom end, with a noticeable hole at the stem end. I believe this hole was probably an advanced stage of the rot, rather than a pest crawling its way out. I should note that we had pepper maggots hitting the Jalapenos all throughout June, but these holes do not look like pepper maggot holes to my eye.
I sliced up some of the damaged ones to look inside, and I don't really see the flesh munching characteristic of garden pests who bore through pepper walls. Besides, what would pests be doing munching on thin-walled orange habs? I have big fat, thick-fleshed sweet peppers growing not 18 inches away.