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help! my tomato plant is wilting

This could be a bacterial wilt, which means the disease is in the soil and the plants don't have a chance. I fight fusarium wilt here in TX and my plants go through the same process. They are wilting because the plant is not able to pull up water through its cells. This is what I have here in TX: http://aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/publications/tomatoproblemsolver/stem/fus_wilt.html

All you can do is pull em and try to re-plant resistant varieties. Still no guarantee of getting fruit, though. :(

now i got two more plants have wilted beside it. both chili plants :(. what should i do ?
This could be a bacterial wilt, which means the disease is in the soil and the plants don't have a chance. I fight fusarium wilt here in TX and my plants go through the same process. They are wilting because the plant is not able to pull up water through its cells. This is what I have here in TX: http://aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/publications/tomatoproblemsolver/stem/fus_wilt.html

All you can do is pull em and try to re-plant resistant varieties. Still no guarantee of getting fruit, though. :(

yesterday i pulled them and found that the roots have rotted(but dry) and the other very very knotty.(small bulges)
Maybe nematodes? Here's the homepage to TAMU tomato problem solver:
Maybe nematodes? Here's the homepage to TAMU tomato problem solver:
thanks for the link.. ( i thought so that it was nematodes... just needed a second opinion.:)

when the last plant dies then i will clear the raise bed. but my pudina mint is gerowing well there and i got some ginger also growing.

BTW. WELCOME TO THE Hot Pepper FOrum :))
the cuttings have rooted!! tomorrow i am going to plant them in the ground!!
i was shock to see the leaves had white flys!!!!!!!!! and the wooly aphids on them!! arrrrrgghh.. these pest can't leave my tomato alone!!!
i sort of squash them up!! :mad:
Start spraying with neem oil the ground and the plants every two to three days for two weeks will help with all your bugs and toads. If you want to make some strong calcium place your toasted crushed egg shell into some white vinegar for seven to ten days, pour off liquid mix 1 tablespoon to 1 gal of water.every other week alone with the epson salt mix plant will love ya! Also if you want huge plants frement some sea weed and water with the liquid every time you water same mix as above.asprin also helps a few times a season GOOD LUCK!!!