Help needed

Brothers and sisters Im reaching out to get help. I probly have prostate cancer but need testing to be for sure. My psa came back at 15.2. (Prostate test) if anyone can help thank you. I dont have insurance and with the 6000 dollar deductibles these days I dont have. Trying to raise 2000 for doc bills. Also am selling my 96Strat on eBay to raise money. Hope the boss lets this go threw.


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Do you have a link for the listing?
I wanted to sell my guitar to cover medical bills and my friends here at THP would not let
Me sell it. Cant believe that everyone raised that much for me. Hope I have all the names of people that either bought or gave. Drew, Justin(hogleg), Ann(salsa lady), Justin White, Frank( Moruga Welder), Andy, Linda roper, Paul Cauchy, John (sawyer) and the man himself Dan. Also I want to thank aj enterprises but dont know who that is. I go for the biopsy Wednesday. You guys get your psa checked!!!! If I miss someone let me know. Love you people Andy