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Help nubie question on canning.

:banghead: JUST MADE A BATCH OF NECTARINES mango pineapple Fatali hot sauce and canned. How long should I wait to let sauce sit to get best flavor. Made it on July 13 still waiting to try going crazy but want to be sure it has enough time to develop best flavor. Also can't figure out how to post picks not very computer savvy. My kids live in another state and they usually have to help me lol.
A few weeks should be adequate....I usually try to wait at least that.  As far as the pics, sign up for a photo service like photobucket, upload your pics to that, then link the photo url into your forum messages here.
Here's a thread about posting pics-
As for the sauce.....TRY IT! 
Some sauces are best fresh, some are best aged.  Unfortunately, there's no way to predict.  All you can do is keep good records and if you like the way it turns out, you can make it that way again.  ....or change it up next time......
Have Fun!  Hope you can post pics soon!
Welcome to the forums oldsalty!  I usually let my batches age for 2-4 weeks, but I always open and taste one jar right after canning.  I find it's good to do that so I can have an idea of how the sauce changes as it ages.  Some sauces are best right out of the bath, others improve drastically with a month or more of aging.
Hi everyone,first I'd like to thank everyone who helped me out. This was my first batch of fruit based sauce. I let it sit for 4 weeks was losing my mind waiting what little mind I have left, just wanted to be sure. Just popped open a jar today was fantastic really nice heat with great fruit flavor. Did a 10 lb pork butt on my smoker pulled it this morning and hit it with a little of my Carolina vinegar sauce and the Fatali fruit sauce the wife and we went crazy best we've ever had. Little pat on my own back lol cherry wood smoked pulled pork just incredible with this sauce will post pics soon. Signed up for photobucket working on pics now. Again thanks for all your help friends really love this site. Anyone ever near Myrtle Beach area come on by for some good Bbq and hot sauce my door is always open water is beautiful and the weather is warm. Heading out to tend my my garden finally stopped raining damage control time thanks again, Oldsalty
right on!  looking forward to seeing the pics when the PhotoBucket gets figgered out.  It's not too bad!  ;)
Hello fellow chili head's. Just a quick shout out to tctenten will post recipe soon this sauce was cooked and processed in a pressure canner. Just have to find my notes just moved into a new house looking for my box of recipes will post the recipe asap. Thanks again y'all pics coming soon.
oldsalty said:
Hello fellow chili head's. Just a quick shout out to tctenten will post recipe soon this sauce was cooked and processed in a pressure canner. Just have to find my notes just moved into a new house looking for my box of recipes will post the recipe asap. Thanks again y'all pics coming soon.
Great.  Thank you, but take your time.  Still waiting for peppers to ripen up.  :P