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help they say its not a Bhut ?

fellow chile heads are thinking its not a bhut i could hardly eat one what do you think
thanks so darn cute 0h I Love there little skirts
OK as i said early today the pic of the not so looking bhut the ripe one
time to remove and discard //// nice and slow /////[ HOPE ITS GOT SOME BITE]

thank you for all your comments and help enuz

OK quick update [the deformed bhut]
a coworker and I just ate the little one as it was only the size of a niclke we split it down the middle one seed in the pod
its 35 minutes and it still is nasty hot maybe just to early in the am to eat HOT !!
mainly the back of throat

thanks again
hi 1st year 2010 seeds originaly came from Pepper Joes 24 seeds 10 plants made it small 2' to 3' tall late start
2nd year 2011 bought another 24 from Pepper Joe 14 plants made it, plus last years seeds 50seeds 30 plants
earlier start 3' 4' tall lots of peppers
this year over 100 seeds all from plants from last year hade about 60 plants make it kept 8 for myself
i have about 40 Habs cayanes, long reds, purple Jalapeno,yatzi, and madusa, total of aroud 100 plants
around 70 of them are in pots

that is alot of work just watering also have around 25 tomatoe s in pots some are 8 feet tall sweet 100's

Wait, so you've grown tons of these plants, for the last couple years and you are just now tasting it and wondering if it's a Bhut? Maybe I am misunderstanding? Anywho, their are many things that can affect pod shape. Three major contributors are; growing conditions, stress and first pods of the year. You might get a few first pods that look way off the mark and then they start growing true. you might get stunted, jacked up looking pods due to stress....your best bet for making sure you are growing what you want to be growing is buying from reputable dealers (which it seems you have, I haven't heard anything bad about PepperJoe)

like i said earlier I sell ang give away my plants as like this year I only kept 8 plants bhuts
I have tried to grow bhuts but up untill last summer most all my plaints never matured [ in garden] only got about 10 bhuts and they never went red
put them in the house hanging upside down to ripen , they ripened but only able to eat 2 they were hot but small
all other plants I grow were great Habs were hot
this year I started early February ,, and all these plants are in pots i have close to 70 in pots and only 8 in the garden and they are small 10"
tall very few flowers see this the first year in a green house thats why i asked never saw plants as big as these around here

So i cant wait, that little one had good flavor and for a small one WOW i will be careful with the next one I try

up here in Ct this was unusual weather this spring 80's in april then end of may 40's for highs
also we have very short season can get frost in September