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HELP! Trying to germ passion fruit seeds !

Gday guys,
I have been trying to germinate some passion fruit seeds with no luck.
1st I placed the fresh pulp & seed into paper towel , dried them out (seeds still black) and threw them into ziplock for a week and then into seed raising soil. - NO LUCK
2nd I cut in half and let the whole half dry out, seeds turned WHITE , planted into seed raising soil. - NO LUCK

They are PANAMAR GOLD , any advice , tips ???
I just found this on one of the gardening forums;

From memory Passionfruit Seed is fairly tough and to get them to germinate 'on time'. you may need to scarify the seed. This is done in 3 ways. Firstly, nick the outer coating with a blade. Secondly, try rubbing the outer coating back to expose the inner. Thirdly, you can soak it in hot water for a while - no hard and fast rules on this. Some aussie natives are so immune to these shortcuts you really have to get serious. Along the lines of exposure to fire and smoke..

I am not a horticuluturist but all seeds have 3 levels, an outer hard case and inner skin [a hormone layer] and the inner bit which grows. Sometimes we can intervene and rupture the hormone layer to induce immediate germination. Good examples of this which we most of us are aware are nut seeds like almond and walnut. The 3 layers are quite distinctive.

Having ''attacked'' very many mango seeds I now know you can literally cut the top 10% off the seed with secaturs and away they go.

In your case I would think if you rubbed the passionfruit seed on a bit of fine sandpaper till the inner was exposed you would find your germination rates would be excellent..

It is very much worthwhile experimenting when you get a batch of seed to see what works for you. Say with 10 seeds, plant 2 direct and experiment on the other 8. Seeds have encapsulated a genetic message which tells them to GO GO GO whenever most of the conditions have been met. The reason for the 3 layers is so that seeds dont fall and germinate at the wrong time - or in the case of non-annuals.. all at once. It gives the mother plant some longevity. The inner hormone layer is what gives seeds their longevity so that only a few will germinate at any time making sure the species survive. The above processes are designed to circumvent that.

Past this point normal plant specific seed germination rules apply.
Cheers Chilliman. I got some yellow passionfruit seeds from Baker Creek last season, and one out of ten seeds germinated!
Well i scarched a few seeds with a knife, exposed a few to heat, steped on a few.
and I have now one that has come up , not sure which tact` worked as the tray got mixed up.
Will keep updated with the rest.
I notice your quote said something about sandpaper. If you're going to do it this way, line a jar with some sandpaper, add seeds and shake until your heart's content.
Hey Hey ! I got another one up ! Though it is in the same seedling tube, so I really should have labeled them, as one tech obviously worked better than the rest ! None of the other tubes or techniques worked so far.
I think it is the scratched ones though as it makes the most sense.

Exotic island @ they are a hardy plant especially in the tropics ;)
You should have no problem, find a good spot with lots of light, dig a hole about 30cm deep fill in with good bag soil and mix with compost, worm castings, etc... water in good to go. You may need to water a few times but mine generally look after themselves ;) If you can use extra phos, and potassium when you see first flowers.
I've been germinating passiflora seeds now for awhile, of several different varieties - Caerulea and Maypops to name a couple.

I did nothing special, and in fact didn't even use my heat mat, but they all sprout by the end of the third week.

: )
I have wanted Panama Gold for awhile.
So I had no choice but to grow from seed.
It is suppose to be the ONLY passion fruit used in Australia for flavour in ice-cream. Its huge and probably one of the tastiest I have consumed.
How meny different types of Passon fruit are there that taste good ?
My passon fruit plant I bought here is 4 feet tall and have small green fruit on it now. I think it is a cutting ?
I dont think you meant me, but I will throw up a pic of my two little guys.

Oh yes, I did mean you Chilliman - and anyone else who'd like to share their peeks. My vine has no flowers this year, as I grew it from seed, so it will bloom in the 2nd season...


I will over-winter it indoors and put it in the ground come Spring. I am certain it will bloom and bloom next year - and hopefully produce fruits. Can't wait...

As an experiment I grew one directly in the ground as well, just to see if it would return next year. Some people say yes, some people say no...we'll see...

I think your seedlings look terrific, Chilliman. The passiflora vine you see in my picture, was grown from seed last winter, and it grew like crazy in my south living room window.

I just kept cutting it back over and over again, trying to stall it off until Spring when I could get it outside. It became so bushy, thick, and full, from all the pruning.

The variety im my picture is, "Caerulea". A friend sent me the seeds.

: )