I have a mismarked pepper that is finally at a stage where someone might be able to recognize it. any and all replies welcome.
imaguitargod said:I'VE GOT IT!!!!!!!!! Upon searching another pepper, I came along what looks like a dead on match... ladies and gentalmen, I give you...The Cocolate Scotch.
It's just because the word "chocolate" is in it, isn't itPam said:Ok, now I want seeds, too.
imaguitargod said:It's just because the word "chocolate" is in it, isn't it
LOL, I literally just stumbled upon it.chilliman64 said:IGG - how the hell did you identify that pod? it must have taken you hours!
thepodpiper said:IGG, That is definetely the closest thing looks wise to that pepper only thing is I did not aquire any of those seeds. I am going to check some of my sources to see if they could have given me them by mistake. I will surely save some seeds for anyone who wants them.
thepodpiper said:I believe that Chilliman64 has found the right pepper I just looked at an old thread from another forum and the person that I got some seeds from said that it is possible that he gave me Purple Tiger instead of Hinkle Hatz (Chicken Heart). Although IGG has found what looks to be an identical match. But i did not get any of those Chocolate Scotch seeds. If anyone is interested in the seeds regardless of what they are i will save some and be happy to share them.
thepodpiper said:LuckyDog, I just picked a couple ripe pods off the plant I will send you some seeds if you e-mail me your address.