HELLO everyone, well i went outside this morning to check up on my pepper plants and this is what i discovered. does any one know what this is



this is at 100x
I would look closely for flea beatles, they are small, black, roundish beatles that jump when you get near them. Theywill more than likely be on the underside of the leaf.
I'll throw in the first vote for a bacterial leaf spot. The it has the "shotgun" look of dark dead tissue surrounded by yellow halos.
Probably started from standing water on the leaves and moisture in the soil. Key is to stop the spread. I would remove the leaf, place the plant in full sun with good air circulation, get the soil dried out. If in a container, I'd also move the plant away from others and replace the top inch of soil, replacing it with fresh soil. Then spray with a fungicide and repeat every ten days or so.
Probably started from standing water on the leaves and moisture in the soil. Key is to stop the spread. I would remove the leaf, place the plant in full sun with good air circulation, get the soil dried out. If in a container, I'd also move the plant away from others and replace the top inch of soil, replacing it with fresh soil. Then spray with a fungicide and repeat every ten days or so.

I still think it is a bug i will try a fungicide and see what happens. I'm going to go check for bugs again in the morning because the damage is happening at night.
Here is a link that shows typical flea beetle damage.

As you can see the damage is very similar to what you are seeing.
do you have a picture of the bug?

i've got some similar looking damage from the four-lined plant bug, apparently no long-term damage will be done as long as your plants are large enough to sustain it. they seem to prefer new growth over old and respond to mint as a trap crop quite favourably. I've been squishing them myself and leaving their dead bodies as a warning sign to others. Numbers have noticeably decreased since I started the assault.
once the plants are infected with bacterial leaf spot, they plants are greatly impacted...just hope it isn't that....BLS is one of the major if not the major disease commercial growers fight in the eastern USA.

Because of the regular shaped spots on the leaves, it is probably NOT BLS.

I would tend to think it is some kind of bug/pest...

I, myself, have been fighting flea beetles this year and had to resort to a strong dose of Rotenone/Pyrethrin made by Bonide.