
Over the past day or 2, a few of my plants have had leaves going yellowish brown on the tips (almost like they're rusting,) some are starting to wilt a bit and one actually has had most of its leaves fall off. I haven't changed anything in my routine. just water at this point, no nutes or anything at all to that effect.

anybody have any ideas of the top of their heads as to what may be the issue??

"rusting" mystery hab


sagging pumpkin hab (getting pale and wilty)


another one going pale and sagging a bit

awesome thanks for the lightning fast responses...going to whip up some h2o2 concoction now and move some of these to the shade and see what happens
That's bacterial spot. Trust me I'm an expert on it now and I wish I wasn't lol.. I lost a dozen or so plants out of 250 this year. They almost all died.. Your gonna wanna remove all the infected leaves as much as you probably don't want to. If you have any healthy plants move them far farrr away from the infected. Bonide makes a copper fungicide and also a fruit citrus an nut orchard spray. Your gonna wanna buy one of the 2 and start spraying yesterday. Once a week if the weathers not rainy, once every other day if it's raining. New growth will come back where the leaves use to be. Good luck to ya. I hate that crap more than aphids!